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  1. We saw a repeat of these issues at 5pm and 9pm (UK time) yesterday 26th - did anybody else experience the same?
  2. We have 100's of pages of errors in our system log from around 4:45pm yesterday to around 6:33pm (UK time) which seems to coincide with this issue - do other see the same? The errors relate to redis, mysql and template errors so I just wanted to check these all relate to the cloud issues.
  3. We are having the same issue with posts that need to be approved that are stopped by the spam analysis tool. We reported it last Wednesday but haven't had a resolution yet so for now we've had to turn this feature off as we were having lots of topics stuck in limbo, unable to be approved.
  4. Spam levels are extraordinary high at the moment - I know invision are working on improvements but one thing I think would be useful is downrating in the spam system temporary email addresses - there is a maintained list here: https://github.com/disposable-email-domains/disposable-email-domains Many of the spammers I have seen recently are using email addresses in this list and it is rare for legitimate members to use disposable email addresses so it would be great if the spam defence could automatically notch an account up a point if it uses a disposable email address which for us, would then put the member on moderated posts which would catch a lot of these. It would also be good to see some sort of spam scoring to posts as well to be able to set a trigger for new members if there posts reach a certain spam level score moderate them first - again a lot of the spam we are seeing is very obviously spam so it shouldn’t take much intelligence to sift these out - for example I’ve caught a lot today just by putting ‘coinbase’ in our word filter and making those go straight to moderated posts.
  5. The new patch has fixed the login issue but I am also seeing the problem with the guest terms popup coming back everytime for guests even if they accept it.
  6. It introduced some other issues so I had to put it back but I found turning off the guest popup terms fixes the issue albeit as a temporary measure.
  7. No - nothing like that. I don’t understand the code well enough so this might be talking nonsense but… in the new function added to request it checks the logged in users language in order to check the guest terms bar value - if this is called before the user session is initiated because it hasn’t yet got to that cookie will it stop it getting initiated later on in the process flow?
  8. I do now and the issue goes away. With it enabled the fault occurs - it doesn’t think the user is logged in when starting a new session (browser closed / opened or session expired) - on the second visit of the new session it does log the user in so the cookies are working it’s just the first visit shows then logged out.
  9. I'm sorry for all the posts - I didn't like running modified code and noticed one of the parts that seemed to be causing issues referenced the 'guest_terms_bar' setting so I put all the code back to standard and switched off 'Show terms of service confirmation or cookie bar to Guests?' and the issue has gone away. I don't know whether this means this is an invision bug that they need to look into, a setting issue with our forum or a template issue. I did switch to the standard theme but the issue continued.
  10. Using the older Request.php caused some other errors so I reverted to the new one but this still seems to be where the issue lays, at least on our site.
  11. Digging deeper - I noticed that system/Request/Request.php is one of the files updated in the patch released after 4.7..11 - reverting back to the version in 4.7.11 the issue is resolved. It looks like a cookie issue with recreating the session - it doesn't seem to take on the first visit when the session cookie has expired or the browser closed but does work on the second click. Reverting system/Request/Request.php seems to have resolved this so hopefully this helps you guys work out the issue and release an updated patch.
  12. I did the 4.7.11 this morning and then did the patch update about 4-5 hours ago - I didn't receive any reports of this issue until after the patch so I wander if the patch has caused this?
  13. Since updating to 4.7.11 earlier today members are reporting that they have to keep logging in despite ticking the remember me option. I have replicated this myself on my iPhone - if I close safari completely and then open it the forum shows me visiting as a guest but as soon as I click on login or any other link then it logs me back in automatically. It’s almost as if initially it ignores the saved cookies but once you click on something it works correctly? Anybody else seeing anything like this?
  14. It looks like it's a Windows / DNS issue - thread about it here:
  15. An external service being down shouldn't completely hang and lockup the queues though? That doesn't seem right?
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