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Kyle F

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Posts posted by Kyle F

  1. On 2/7/2021 at 7:59 PM, CoffeeCake said:


    That gave me a random idea.


  2. 6 hours ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    Hi Kyle,

    You should be able to access everything although I can't see from your screenshot what the content is you're trying to look at. Feel free to send me a message with the URL if you're still having an issue.

    Incoming PM

  3. 8 minutes ago, Aiwa said:

    @Kyle F Ah, ESXi. I have a love/hate relationship. I use it at work almost daily. I manage 3 servers, each running 15+ VM’s. DEV, TEST, and PROD RC. Mostly Windows with a couple small Ubuntu VM’s for applications that run better on *nix OS’s. 

    The toys we get to play with in an enterprise setting. Each server is mil spec ( needed for high vibration/shock offshore oil rig installation ). Each server costs ~$30k. ( glad I don’t foot the bill for these puppies )


    (2) 10 core CPU @ 3.(?)Ghz, don’t remember the model , 128Gb DDR4 RAM, 12TB SSD in RAID10. 

    All of the individual components, capacitors, expansion cards, CPU, RAM, DOM, etc, are all held in place with some type of silicone compound to handle the vibration and shock. We could drop these servers from 10 feet and they’ll keep ticking. 

    I wouldn't want to be the guy to test drop these then... I'd have a heart attack! :laugh:

  4. On 3/23/2021 at 7:30 PM, Aiwa said:

    If you’re not running any other applications on your server, have you looked at IPS hosting? I may be wrong, but I think they have/had some deal with migrating from self hosted to cloud. 


    On 3/25/2021 at 3:41 PM, Jordan Invision said:


    That's an expensive option. :laugh: :ph34r:


    Myself and @rymich13 use CentOS 8.3 for our cPanel server. our entire dedicated server is virtualised using VMware ESXi. We have Linux and Windows Server virtual machines. We use OVHcloud for our server and our specs are:

    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2236 CPU @ 3.40GHz (12 logical cores, 6 cores 12 threads)
    RAM: 32 GB DDR4
    8 TB hard disk

    We run the Linux VM as the cPanel server and Windows Server for TCAdmin as we run game servers. We're essentially a starting game community (merged and brought back from my old gaming community and clan from 2007)

  5. 1 hour ago, MEVi said:


    Are you looking for an SSH terminal based VPS or a Windows Server VPS? If Windows Server, you'll need to purchase a legitimate license (product key) for it. For a VPS I'd say you'd need perhaps 2GB RAM, 20GB (?) disk space (depending on the size of your home directory) and 2 Core CPU which would handle it fine.

  6. Depending on the size of your board (both activity of users and posts, resources, files, etc) you can base your specification requirements upon that. If it's a relatively small board, 2 CPUs, 2 GB RAM and 2-4GB disk space. It's usually up to the webmaster's preference on how much they're willing to spend on hosting and your hosting needs.

  7. So after restoring my cPanel accounts via WHM with all of my domains, all data successfully restored. However, the forum database seems to be corrupt. I checked the tables in phpMyAdmin, no issues, yet in the ACP under "Support" and "check database" it's saying that there are errors with the database, and then when I click "Fix automatically", I get this.


    IPS 4.4.10 (I can't update to the latest because my forum theme isn't compatible. MySQL database engine seems to be both INNODB and MyISAM on a lot of tables.

    EDIT: When repairing tables in phpMyAdmin also I get this:

    The storage engine for the table doesn't support r...

    Whatever that means.

  8. 1 hour ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Alternatively, instead of redirecting them you could add the content you want to display into the template that is shown to a banned user when they are logged in?

    • core -> front -> system -> banned

    Or edit the language strings that are used on that template?

    • 'member_banned' - permanent ban
    • 'member_banned_temp' - temporary ban

    Ideally I wanted to be able to show a custom styled page to banned users. 😅

  9. 4 hours ago, sadams101 said:

    Does the warning in my ACP regarding the Pages vulnerability include Invision Community v4.4.10, or just 4.5? 

    Also, am I on the latest version of 4.4 (Invision Community v4.4.10)?

    You'll have to completely update to 4.5's latest version to remove the notifications and apply the patches unfortunately.

    I'm on 4.4.10 too; I cannot update until I've upgraded my forum theme with the 4.5.x edits.

  10. If you have access to phpMyAdmin you should be able to reactivate it through the database.

    To do this; login to phpMyAdmin -> (select DB) -> (in the Filters search type "login") -> Browse 'Core Login Methods'. Under "login_classnames" look for "IPS\Login\Handler\Standard" and click "Edit". Make sure "login_settings" says "{"auth_types":1}" and "login_enabled" show "1". Then "GO" to save.

    Report back here if it worked for you. If not, we'll try to help another way.

  11. Hello.

    So as I'm sure Linux-experienced users are aware, there is a way of showing a user trying to SSH into a Linux server, a 'banner' of sorts, or like a warning notice that tells the connecting user that the server is secured and that unauthorized access is prohibited. One can achieve this by modifying the "MOTD" and "issue.net" files in "/etc/", and then restarting SSH.

    My question here is simple; what would you people put in as a connection warning?

  12. Hey people.

    So I did a complete mess up with my forums... I accidentally misplaced or 'deleted/overwrote' my board guidelines page (Pages) and had to upload a full backup to a separate directory (subdomain) but I'm unsure what the non-fURL link is to the board guidelines. Does anyone know?

    EDIT: I'm a genius! Fixed it. Thank goodness for dedicated server system and account backups!

    new apartment happy dance GIF

  13. 16 hours ago, Paul E. said:

    Hmm... I'm not understanding. I don't think you can do what you're wanting to do. Either forums is the default app at the root of your subdomain, or it resides at some subdirectory.

    You can change it from /forums to something else by modifying the furl.json file in the forums application directory.

      Thanks for your input, Paul.

    4 hours ago, bfarber said:

    If any app other than forums is the default app, then all forum URLs will be prefixed with /forums as you are noticing. Unfortunately that's not something that can change without a plugin, or by making Forums the default application.

    Hm, fair enough. Thanks for your input also, Brandon!

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