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    crabpaws reacted to Marc in How to add link or linked image to nav bar?   
    You could add a normal navigation link just using the menu manager, but if you want to change the colour of it like that, you will require some customisation in order to achieve that
  2. Thanks
    crabpaws reacted to Pavel Chernitsky in Reinstate "search by author" in Advanced Search   
    Bumping this up from purgatory seeing as there was no changes made in this regard.
    The "search by author" tool is an invaluable tool large, active communities.
    We moved our community from VB, and I - Both as a user, a moderator and admin - have been using this feature on pretty much on a weekly basis.

    Here are a couple of examples as to why this feature is needed, both from the community member's POV, and also from that of a moderator:
    1. A member (Let's call him Bob) PMs me (or another mod) saying another member (say.... Mike) is constantly harassing them in a thread. said thread happens to be 549 pages long and has been running for the past 5 years. Wanting to check Bob is truthful and to see if Mike really is harassing them, I go into search and look for "comments/posts in this thread by Mike". I see mike only said Bob was incorrect once, I Tell Bob to go do something more useful with his time.
    2. A mod (josh) tells me he keeps seeing this one girl (Amanda) constantly posting cars for sale on our Buy/Sell forum, So she's probably a dealer posing as a private seller (If you fail to see the problem, This is illegal here in our country). I then go to the search and look for "threads posted by Amanda in the Buy/Sell forum" and see she posted 64 cars for sale in the last six months. we ban Amanda's ass and send her packin'.
    3. A member (Mindy. No, I don't know what's up with the names. Those are just the ones that came to me.) notices another member (James) is trolling the hell out of a technical help request thread opened by a brand new member (Harry). Fearing this would make Harry leave and wanting to be a helpful community member, Mindy searches "Posts in this thread by James", and reports the latest comment attaching the entire list of trolly comments. James is then shows the proverbial door and recommended to not let it hit him in the tushy on his way out.

    Now, Can we have it back please?
  3. Like
    crabpaws got a reaction from SeNioR- in Reinstate "search by author" in Advanced Search   
    This function was present, and useful, in IPB 3.x. It has been removed in 4.x.

  4. Like
    crabpaws got a reaction from LiquidFractal in Reinstate "search by author" in Advanced Search   
    Related topic here blanketsearch for Member content without tags/terms?
  5. Like
    crabpaws got a reaction from AtariAge in Reinstate "search by author" in Advanced Search   
    Members' histories are very important for my site, too. Here's something else you should consider: 4.x does not permit download of personal message threads. No way to preserve that content offline at all.
    Reinstate download of personal message threads
  6. Thanks
    crabpaws reacted to AtariAge in Reinstate "search by author" in Advanced Search   
    This is an important feature for my site as well, as I regularly need to look through someone's posting history without having to enter a specific tag or keyword.  
  7. Like
    crabpaws got a reaction from AtariAge in Reinstate "search by author" in Advanced Search   
    This function was present, and useful, in IPB 3.x. It has been removed in 4.x.

  8. Like
    crabpaws got a reaction from Tom_K in Reinstate "search by author" in Advanced Search   
    This function was present, and useful, in IPB 3.x. It has been removed in 4.x.

  9. Thanks
    crabpaws reacted to Ocean West in What is the point of activity stream?   
    Still want a way to show all content that hasn't had a reply to - as a way for moderators to make sure they have first opportunity to greet newbies. 
  10. Thanks
    crabpaws reacted to Tom_K in What is the point of activity stream?   
    I've read a lot of topics criticising the activity stream feature and I find it utterly unuserfriendly as well. What was the logic behind this change? It seems like a case where someone was trying to fix something that already worked and made it worse. Like Microsoft and the whole Windows 8 debacle.
    Activity stream may be useful for a low traffic board and works on Facebook where you only get certain "posts" in your stream. But what is the point of having an activity stream on a high traffic board? It's so clumsy at what it should be doing.
    Instead of letting you know which topics have new posts so you can get up to date, you face an endless stream of new posts (often from one and the same topic).
    Basically what I'm asking si how the h**** should I be using this feature to help me browse the board? It obviously isn't doing its job properly but I'll allow the possibility that I'm just not using it as it was intended.
    Can anyone help me understand this thing better? And why we can't simlpy have a choice of both (the old new content list and activity stream)? This way it just seems it was forced onto users.
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