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Posts posted by bassangler

  1. Hi,

    I've been using IC since 2012, currently using 4.7.13.  I'm going to upgrade mySQL 5.7 to 8.0 and have a couple questions:

    1. What are the recommended steps to upgrade the database from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8?
    2. Are there any known issues with the upgrade process? If so, do you have documentation for those issues?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Nope, no file moves.  Haven't done anything new or different.

    From the member:


    Latest update

    It now appears that EVERY picture I've posted in Every thread I've posted

    the photos are gone.  Just a useless link left behind.

    All these pic are still in my albums but are gone from the threads.

    There's a LOT of time & effort invested in these threads and now they are pretty much toast. 

    I'm bumming pretty hard here.


  3. Again, he didn't delete them.  And now I'm finding this issue on other profiles too, from members that don't they can even delete anything.

    Geeze....I've discovered several bugs in the past here that were confirmed, but each time I had to go through this huge "denial" process until some other person on these forums confirms they had the same issue on their system too.  THEN somebody finally believes me.

    Why does it have to be so difficult to look into an issue?  Why blame the messenger?

    No need to answer, it's rhetorical/rant.

    Back to the issue at hand.

    2 hours ago, bassangler said:

    No Sir.

    Pics are going from visible in the thread to just an unusable link all on their own. I delete older pics in my attachments folder and albums to make room for new when needed. 

    But the pics I delete are not the one in the current threads that are going MIA.


  4. Quote

    No Sir.

    Pics are going from visible in the thread to just an unusable link all on their own. I delete older pics in my attachments folder and albums to make room for new when needed. 

    But the pics I delete are not the one in the current threads that are going MIA.


  5. I checked with the member who alerted me to this issue, and he said,



    My standard move has been "Insert Existing Attachment" either from one of my albums or 

    something that already exists in my attachments (although that's a little limited space wise) 

    I'll often go through both of them and delete old stuff to make room for new and up to just recently it's been working great.  Weird how it's just one pic and one pic there  . . .

    I agree.  This does seem to be affected by images added by "Insert Existing Attachment" function.

  6. In other words, uploading to the Gallery and then linking to the image in a post is not recommended.  Is that correct?  Then why is that capability enabled? Seems like a recipe for unintended results exactly like this.

  7. Hello,

    I'm having some trouble with many of the pictures that are inside some of my older threads becoming unviewable.

    This post, for example:


    All of them are in the member's  'albums, they all loaded fine and don't exceed size limits. Yet they are no longer able to be viewed. 

    These are all hosted on the same server (not hosted on a 3rd party).

    As you can see, this is a post that's a few years old.


  8. Any reason why the social share links are http: instead of https: ?   Seems they should be https:  

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage


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  9. Is there a way to prevent a single member from posting on a designated topic, but allowed otherwise post on others?  I have a member that continues to post inappropriate things on a particular topic, but is otherwise fine.  I'd like to block him from that topic only.

    Is that possible?  If so, how?

  10. 3 hours ago, Afrodude said:

    Found it. 

    It is a bug. The hCaptach doesn't load when you are viewing any topic, pages records, or anywhere there's ckeditor.

    For example, 

    hCaptcha will be load anywhere homepage, forums views or anywhere else has no editor but where you are allowing guests to post/reply the contact us hCaptcha won't load.

    Yep, confirmed.

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