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Posts posted by wegorz23

  1. 20 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    I'll be disabling that functionality until this is resolved then...just been alerted to a data leak (title of a private topic being visible) which is going to cause a few problems now that it's been seen.

    Test of a topic in a private forum, viewable by a normal member...


    Could contain: Page, Text, File

    Thanks for info. We have many of that private forums and topics for only moderators and admins. 

    IPS not cool at all.......


  2. 6 hours ago, FanClub Mike said:

    I've been having this issue since the recent beta. For what it's worth, I reported it and it was tagged as a known issue.

    I've switched to the standard view for now.


    @Jim M 🙂 "known issue"

    Thanks for info that is issue. We try everything and still no luck.

    Disabling all plugins and applications (custom) not fixed problem.



  3. 2 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    If they are seeing items in the fluid view which they have not selected, they will want to try and clear their browser's cookies and local storage for your domain. This should clear any corruption which may be happening here.

    Same problem. I try on other browsers and different account on forum.  Same problem. 
    Is the problem after upgrade or i can search and debug that ? 


    We dont change any of settings for about 3 month. 



  4. Hi

    After upgrade to 4.7.16 my users reports many of problems and they report that forum view called "fluid" that list topics by forum category is not working.

    When u check on right side any of category / forum there is no changes on left site. (not filtering) 

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage, Person


    I also checked clean theme and still no luck. 

    Is it my problem or u can help my with that ? 


  5. Hi

    I rly need to exclude a specified forum / subforum from counting points to leaderboard.

    In my case when forum is 95% dedicated to one field and only 5% of topics are different i just create other forum tab and move all of them there.

    But i need to exclude that forum and topics and posts and reaction points from counting to leaderboard. 

    Simply as currently excluding groups and setting categories to show or not to show or as filters. 

    ACP->Member Settings -> Reputation & Reactions -> Leaderboard


  6. Is there option to recount Warnings & Restrictions points ?

    After last problem when moderator add warning points and it some times count and some times not count is there a chance to recount for every one now in acp panel ?

    The problem is that some users have curently -17 -20 points and when moderator give them 5 points, the current points tend to zero.

    The second problem is when i manualy recount and insert good amount of points the system calculates incorrectly and deducts points incorrectly after a specified period of time. (ban time or expiration time)


  7. 23 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Once we are happy there are no issues in the betas 🙂 There wouldnt be a specific date for that, but its not usually very long after the betas

    Currenlty i have some smikes of cpu usage and memory is it the same problem and will fixed ? 

    I just drop from 5% to 95% and stay still for like 30-45 minutes. Process is php but get like 400% of requests in 2-5 seconds.


  8. 23 hours ago, wegorz23 said:

    FIxed by merge new clean themes and my current (old) 


    nope still have that error 

    Could contain: Chart, Plot, Page, Text

    18 hours ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    This is due to a PHP bug that has been fixed in recent PHP releases and changes how some functionality works. This issue is fixed in the current beta release.

    ok so beta 1


    Can u say when stable version apers ?

  9. 31 minutes ago, Karina Harumi said:

    1. the core_api_logs log table has a critical error and we don't know how to fix it, we have already reduced it to 5 days (to reduce the size) and the same error still persists.

    show that errors there

    if u still want to upgrade u need to delete that list from db and from directory. 


    but its rly not good for that huge amount of errors 

    (I panic when one appears) 


    32 minutes ago, Karina Harumi said:

    2. Another error is that when we deactivate the Advanced Footer plugin @Fosters, the template error appears at front-end, but we use the Invision template. What can it be?

    Clear cache ? u need to show errors there to fix some.


    go get -> acp and search for "logs" and show last from System logs and Error logs and specified records tooo


  10. 2 hours ago, David N. said:

    Ok just now (11h20) it happened while editing a post, which took around 7 seconds to submit. 

    7 sec is rly fast i think. On my forum when something is doing wrong it can get like 30 - 40 sec to submit. But in my case its 90% problem of js animation and that data when u submit to db is currently in it. 

    DId u have access to db and some date on it ? to check if data was added propertly and on site still submiting ? 


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