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Everything posted by SecondSight

  1. I used only one third party application (Links). I updated it, then disabled it but it didn’t help. I will try a default theme.
  2. Hello, 🙂 When looking at the logs, I found an error repeated hundreds of times. Here it is : I see "images" and "thumb", so I suppose this is an image ? How can I fix this error ? Thank you, 🙂
  3. This is linked to PHP 8 since when I switch back to PHP 7.4 there is no more problems. There are two kind of errors in the error_log file : and : For this last error, the solution is given here : "You can fix this by switching from mod_ruid2 to mod_suexec.
  4. Hello, 🙂 Some members have lost access to at least one forum on my board (it's a forum you can access with at least 5 posts in the other forums) : they get a HTTP ERROR 500. As for me I don't have access problems to this forum. I upgraded yesterday to PHP 8. Is it possible it has something to do with it ? How should I proceed to fix this ? Thank you. 🙂
  5. I was not logged in the Marketplace and could not see the "update" button. It's ok now. Thank you. 🙂
  6. Hello ! 🙂 How do you proceed to update the app, once you have paid for renewal ? Thank you. 🙂
  7. Hello, 🙂 Yes it did help. Thank you. 🙂
  8. Ok. I will find the correct dimensions for the images. Thank you. 🙂
  9. Hello, 🙂 When I select a topic for the "Our picks" section, the image I publish is cropped. Example : The image : What it looks like once published in "Our picks" : Is there a way to configure or change this ? Thank you. 🙂
  10. Done. 🙂 This was the solution. 🙂 Thank you. 🙂
  11. Hello, 🙂 Suggestion : remove the "and 6 more" in the menus and show all items in the menu instead, or allow to choose. Hiding the menu items (and thus the content) with a "And 6 more" is making things complicated for the user and is not attractive. Keeping things simple for the user is important. Thank you. 🙂
  12. Hello, 🙂 In Pages, I have a page which shows articles from a database. I also have a menu on the right side. => This is nothing I created, I use the existing solution in Pages. My question is : how can I remove the "And 6 more" and show all items in the menu instead ? Thank you. 🙂
  13. Hello, 🙂 Can you tell me where I should add this code ? Appearance / IPS Theme / CSS but then ? Is it core.css ? Thank you. 🙂
  14. But I don't know where to do this. EDIT : Ok, I found out what I did wrong. I needed to put the Facebook app in developer mode : Now, my page is showing and it looks like it's working fine. 🙂 Thank you.
  15. Yes, I have a page on Facebook where my boards' topics were published when I promoted the topics. The page should be automatically assigned when I link my community's user account to Facebook ? In oEmbed url, on Facebook, I have the page url : https://www.facebook.com/Enseignants-du-primaire-158258504749259
  16. I believe it's here : But there is nothing... I must have missed a step...
  17. I've been able to solve many problems, I believe... It's possible to login using Facebook or Twitter, I've linked my account in the ACP to Facebook and set up Facebook promotion... Now, this is the error message I get when I try to promote a topic : Where can I do this ? Thank you. 🙂
  18. Thank you for finding the reason why it's not working. I tried to request what's missing, starting with "pages_manage_metadata" but now it's asking me this : and this : What am I supposed to answer them ? For question 1 : "I need this so that oEmbed will work and I will also be able to publish my community's content on Facebook." For question 2, I'm not sure what they want me to record... Is it me clicking on "Promote" button and showing the article is published on Facebook ? Thank you. 🙂
  19. I've updated the information. 🙂 Looking at the logs, it seems like problems began when I messed the facebook app...
  20. I've had a look at the Response logs : It looks like it's no longer working for Facebook ?
  21. Hello ! 🙂 Promoted items on my board are endlessly scheduled... It remains like this (first time it's in bold then it's no longer bold) : Is there a way to fix this ? Or is this a bug ? Thank you. 🙂
  22. It doesn't work. oEmbed request is not approved and I don't understand what they say. This seems impossible to do for those who are not conversant with Facebook Development and who don't understand English on their pages and documentation. A step by step tutorial would be helpful...
  23. On both types of posts. I'm restarting from scratch now. 🙂
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