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Posts posted by GrooveOnBeat

  1. A new version has been uploaded to the Marketplace. Changes include:

    • Support for Pages - Database records and record comments are now logged to the stream. Users can comment on records directly from the Stream.
    • Widget can now be filtered by one or more action types
    • Widget can now be filtered by members you are following
    • Widget now includes group colors for member names
    • Widget did not display if there was no activity. Fixed. (Now shows a "there is no recent activity" message)
    • The following action types now allow for exclusion of specific nodes: New Topics, New Blog Entries, New Images, New Events, New Files

    @GrooveOnBeat I was unable to reproduce the last issue you posted (the hover issue in the sidebar). Please install the latest version and let me know if the problem persists.

    Hey hey hey, new version! :lol:

    Ok, I'll install then test it out. :)

  2. If you create separate collections for each of these, they would all show up in the global FAQ section. But each collection also has its own page, so yes, you can have independent pages for each.

    That's pretty cool. :smile:

    Like the other member said, while I can create this in Pages, I like the way you arranged things, including a popup for answers. I can use this for a help/FAQ section, since IPB 4 doesn't have it anymore. You can count on me as another customers. :)

  3. I also noticed in the sidebar widget, if you hover over a user photo or name and that user has content in the About Me part of their profile, the hovercard will show the About Me content instead of the normal hovercard profile bit. :unsure:

  4. I changed all reference to "Social Streams" to "Feeds". It just made more sense for my needs. :lol:

    I also noticed that the side menu only appears when there are new streams. To keep the widget block displayed I added an "else" like so:

    <h3 class="ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title">{{if $title}}{$title}{{else}}{lang="__app_feed"}{{endif}}</h3>
    <div class="ipsPad_half ipsWidget_inner">
      {{if is_array($feedItems) && count($feedItems)}}
        <ul class="ipsDataList ipsDataList_reducedSpacing">
            {{foreach $feedItems as $item}}
                {template="feedItem" group="widgets" app="feed" params="$item"}
        <p class="feeds-p">There are no new feeds</p>


    Is there a "mark as read" option, so that when a feed has been read the user can choose to remove it?


    Group Questions into FAQ Collections to show different questions on different pages

    Does this mean we can have a separate pages for Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, FAQs, etc., all which are independent from one another?

  6. Both of these are excellent suggestions and should be relatively easy to implement. I will try to get it done this week, but no guarantees (I have absolutely no control over my own schedule at the moment).

    Ah faaaaaantastic! I'm looking forward to these features. :thumbsup:

    In the meantime, you've just earned yourself a new customer! :lol:

  7. In Custom Menu you can use html :smile:

    <b>Your link title</b>,http://yourlink.com
    <div class='yourclass'>Your link title 2</div>,http://yourlink2.com


    Oh! I get what you're saying. :smile: I meant this part of the codes in template:

    {{if $children}}
    							<ul id="elNavigation_app_{expression="strtok( $id, '_')"}_{$tabId}_menu" class="example ipsMenu ipsMenu_auto ipsHide">
    								{template="navBarChildren" app="core" group="global" params="$children"}

    I added another class. :tongue:

  8. That will always be the case and is not related to whether it’s about Pages or any other app. If you need to modify templates, you can be sure that this falls under customization and will be out of the scope of the support – even if it might be a question that is easy to answer. 

    I figured as much. I got the answer in the forums so I'm happy. :lol:

  9. Because it uses replacing template bit method. There is a custom menu in settings, did you try it?

    Ah, no wonder! I wanted to add CSS classes to some of the div tags, but instead of adding them into navbar template I had to add them in menu template. :lol:

    I haven't tried the custom menu yet, but since I have categories I can play with the settings and add those in. I didn't set up collections yet.

  10. I use the


    To use for custom menu. You can see in my demo site.


    And the search form for only videobox that can search tags, fields, titles easily. Some of my clients only use videobox for their movie site so they dont need ips search (so hard to search), example:


    Currently 1.0.20 has a bug in menu on mobile, I will fix in today.

    Ah ok. I wondered why my edits in navbar weren't working. :D

    Although I have Videobox search off, the Videobox menu template (and menu child template) still overrides IPB's navbar template (and navbar child template). Not sure why, but I can do the edits nonetheless. I just need to do them in the menu templates. :)

  11. I'm curious...Why does Videobox have its own menu/menu child templates which override IPB's? Is It because of the Search?

  12. @HeadStand can provide her official answers but based upon my understanding and use:

    1. Right now, you can choose types of content (eg. Gallery images, Gallery posts, Blog posts, Blog comments) but you can't choose from what categories inside each content type.  She might be including categories and further filtering in future releases.

    2. Right now, its only one widget that gets filtered the same way as per your settings in the ACP.  Theres no filter setting per widget although that's a great suggestion 

    Thanks for the reply! :lol:

    1. Great we can choose content type. I assume that the feeds are based on the user permissions, so if that is the case, then that's ok too. Though, able to choose categories within content type is a great idea!

    2. Ah ok. How great would it be to have multiple widgets. :smile:

  13. I'm a potential customer! :lol:

    1. Are we able to select which content is pulled from or does it pull from everything?

    2. I read it comes with a widget. Can we make multiple, independent widgets that pull different content?

  14. I don’t understand. Can you clarify?

    Sure. :lol:

    I asked about template logic to call a field in Pages, but received a reply that customization (code and design) is outside the scope of technical support. So I asked in the forum and you helped me with it, I believe it was your first reply as IPS staff. :smile: Conditionals/template logic have been documented by IPS staff in the past and it was a way to help developers to do things in Pages (at the time Content). All I wanted was this:



  15. I know where the blank tags are coming from (it's related to my bug) if you don't choose a prefix it will create a blank tag.

    I can confirm this on my end. :thumbsup: It too doesn't matter whether tags are set to global, open, or closed.

    Only when you set "Prefixes Only (no tag input)", no blank tag is created.

  16. I really can't reproduce this at all. Maybe I don't understand what is going wrong for you.

    I wanted to follow up. I disabled the mod, updated to the latest version, enabled the mod, set global tags to close, configured the prefix settings and forum settings, and it appears to be working properly now. :smile: I'll continue to monitor it.


    I can not reproduce this issue. Please, I need ACP access to take a look. And show me the code bits that you want to add/edit.


    Ok, will PM you. :lol:

  18. There is noway to prevent user edit a template bit. This problem causes by cache. Try to run support tool in step 2 to clear cache and try again. Or give me acp access I take a look.

    I contacted IPS support to see what causes a template to not save and they said it has to do with the code bits in the template. That error flags problems in the codes of a template. They could not help me further so they suggested to contact the author.

    1. One of my steps was to take the unedited codes and place them into an existing template where save works and once pasted, the template cannot save. When I remove the code bits the template can save.

    2. Another step was to do a fresh IPB install with no settings or template changes, and only install Videobox. Using the default template I tried to save an unedited "videoinfo" template and I got that error.

    Can you please check the codes in "videoinfo" template..

  19. Sorry, I missunderstood, but you can only use widget for Featured Videos.

    I did a work around. I just moved the widget box within the globalTemplate to a location only for Videobox index. :lol:

    {{if $location['app'] == 'videobox' and $location['module'] == 'video' and $location['controller'] == 'index'}}
        {template="widgetContainer" group="global" app="core" params="'header', 'horizontal'"}



    Can you show the code you want to add into this template bit?

    Oh sorry. That code I posted is related to the issue I'm having of saving videoInfo template. Where it's "......", the error is coming from that code bit.

    I don't want to add anything into that template. Rather I want to remove the author and user photo bits from that template.


    {expression="\IPS\Application::load('featuredcontent')->show(1)" raw="true"}

    As for the Featured Videos, I'd like to do something like the above, as you made it possible for Featured Content. How can I do this with Featured Videos?

  21. Yes

    Can you please show me how? :lol:

    Can you click the revert button?


    It's a conflict somewhere between these codes (below). I'm narrowing it down, but haven't pinpointed it yet.

    {{if $video->container()->bitoptions['reviews']}}
    <div itemprop='text' data-controller='core.front.core.lightboxedImages'>


  22. In Featured Content you made it so that we can add the slider anywhere, outside of the widget containers. Is it possible to do the same with Featured Videos?



    There is noway to prevent user edit a template bit. This problem causes by cache. Try to run support tool in step 2 to clear cache and try again. Or give me acp access I take a look.

    Clearing cache didn't work. I just tested on a fresh IPB install and same error


    I'll investigate further into it. If I can't get it resolved I'll let you know. :smile:

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