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  1. If this is going to be a forced closed taxonomy system, it definitely needs a better management and application system for tags. Tag categories would be helpful for this...but yeah. I have to agree with Joel here about this having to have a predefined, comprehensive and generic list of tags. This doesn't work for all communities.
  2. Eesh, ok. Guess we'll have to hold off on upgrading the 2 other communities as well.
  3. Alright so I got a v5 beta community set up. And we're running into an issue with Tags. Is there a way to make the tag system an open system, like currently exists on v4? For the life of me, I can't find one. As someone who runs a very diverse community where tagging is not only essential, but extremely diverse, this seems like a change for the worse to have it only follow a closed, pre-defined list generated by the admins. There were hundreds of species tags that were in use on one of my older communities that I was likely going to bring back with the launch of ICv5, but this kind of puts a damper on that. Looked at all of the tag settings, but nothing makes it an open system again that I could find.
  4. AlexWright replied to AlexWright's post in a topic in Feedback
    Sure. Here's from the invision 5 site, as I don't currently have a community set up. Just test ignored a user chosen at random (Sorry Astro!) Their content is still absolutely visible in Gallery: Topics they started also behave weirdly, in that they can be seen if someone else has replied in them: The posts behave as expected within the Topics, however. I'll get some help for a community I work with for showing this on the v4 platform when I can, but it's essentially the same. Don't believe the v5 site has test page databases available for use atm.
  5. AlexWright replied to AlexWright's post in a topic in Feedback
    Ok, but it should still be possible then to ignore all of a user's content throughout the default apps, not just the forums, messages, and mentions. The fact that there isn't a parity of the ignore feature across all of the Invision in-house applications simply doesn't make sense. It should work for Pages databases, Gallery, Clubs started by that user, and Blogs, at the very least in addition to the other core applications.
  6. AlexWright replied to AlexWright's post in a topic in Feedback
    Having now also played around on the v5 site, I can say that nothing with this system has improved or changed. It is still not possible to, for instance, block someone's gallery, blog, or pages content. I'm kind of disappointed in this, but not surprised anymore. I'll have to agree with @Tripp★ above and say that the current version(s) of the Ignore function aren't suitable for purpose in a community based platform.
  7. We just had a similar issue. Turning off the ability to delete PMs doesn't actually disable the "Remove from Conversation" feature, which still acts as if the conversation has been deleted to the other party.
  8. Sorry to be a bother, but is the PAS Display template still available somewhere? Even for purchase? It seems that it's not included in the current install availability. Love the rest of the current templates though.
  9. Ah, I could've sworn there was a switch. Thanks for the correction.
  10. That's the thing, it is activated: But on the record, no switch exists to have the image featured: Edit: Even on default theme:
  11. Ok, I may be going stir crazy, but I seem to remember there being a setting to feature the uploaded image in a pages database record. Is that a setting somewhere? I'm not seeing the ability to do so on the record itself, and I've been through the database settings. If I remember right, it would show the larger image above the record text. Any help would be great, thanks!
  12. What would it take to get something like this working?
  13. Super blocks is pretty great, not going to lie. However, we've hit a small snag in ours. Is there a way to have the blog entry feed have each entry have the entire block be clickable to get to the entry? Thanks!
  14. Hi all, Seeing a problem here upgrading from 4.6.12 to 4.7.0. This is a direct upload of files from the client area to the server, and we're now getting: The error shown here. It is definitely from the 4.7.0 files, and the permissions are set to 0777 via Filezilla. Not entirely sure what's going on here, however because of the update, the site is currently down. Any help appreciated.
  15. Except there isn't. Not on our custom theme, not on the default. Nowhere.