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  1. Thanks
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in Can not enable Community Hive   
    Have flagged this up for you 🙂 
  2. Agree
    BandiRoot got a reaction from Chris59 in Can not enable Community Hive   
    Hi All,
    I can not enable Community Hive from my Admin Panel.

    I press Enable

    Then it looks like its Enabled so i press Continue
    And then back to the first screen:

    I never receive any email or what to activate ?
    So what can i do ?
    Regards, Dennis
  3. Thanks
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in Can not enable Community Hive   
    For issues with community hive, you would need to post up a topic within the community hive forums here 🙂 
  4. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in Moved website to new hosting   
    It depends on where he hit the error and what it was struggling to get the password for, to be honest. The underlying error that would be logged would indeed state the password or username to be incorrect though. Usually logged in /uploads/logs
  5. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Randy Calvert in Error when trying to upgrade   
    Then I suggest finding a new host.  This is not a software problem. The error is reporting the MySQL table is damaged and needs to be repaired. This is something we can’t help you with. You either need to fix it yourself or have your hosting provider do it. 
  6. Like
    BandiRoot got a reaction from teraßyte in Fatal error after installing the update in ACP   
    All is fixed, thanks everyone !
  7. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in Fatal error after installing the update in ACP   
    Glad to hear it 🙂 
  8. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Randy Calvert in Fatal error after installing the update in ACP   
    Try uninstalling it. If it fixes your problem you know it was the problem. You can then try reinstalling it to see if it remains fixed. 
  9. Like
    BandiRoot got a reaction from SeNioR- in Fatal error after installing the update in ACP   
    What plugin is this ?
    Never mind i found it 🙂
  10. Thanks
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in Fatal error after installing the update in ACP   
    Yes, please download from the client area
  11. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in Fatal error after installing the update in ACP   
    You need to disable the "Auto Welcome" application you have installed there. If you cannot get into the ACP, you would need to use recovery mode in order to do this. You can read instructions on recovery mode use here
  12. Thanks
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in 503 error - Clearing cache fix this error ??   
    If you have things running stable, I would leave it on 8.0. Doing too many things all at once, you are just asking for problems really. Give it some time of stable running, then make decisions on that
  13. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in 503 error - Clearing cache fix this error ??   
    Either in System logs in the ACP, in system/logs on the file system, or if they are lower level than that, it would be your server error logs (only your hosting company can advise where they are located)
  14. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in 503 error - Clearing cache fix this error ??   
    No, as you would not be deleting any files you have on there, only overwriting files that already exist
  15. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in 503 error - Clearing cache fix this error ??   
    Generally then, the folders would be 777. This is however a generalisation of course, as we dont host your site
  16. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in 503 error - Clearing cache fix this error ??   
    You would need to speak to your hosting company on this. Clearing cache in ACP is very likely coincidence here. Its likely the site is going down for quite a short period, so when you are doing this, its simply come backup. But a 503 message is a service unavailable, which is from your hosting. 
  17. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in 503 error - Clearing cache fix this error ??   
    It may well be. The following need to be writable (fully)
    uploads and all subfolders
    When its 503, as that comes from the server, you need to find out what exactly is causing it to show that. What exactly on the server errors or is waiting. 
  18. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Randy Calvert in Moved website to new hosting   
    Wow… that’s unusual!  Normally you would see a MySQL error instead of a 500 application error with a database password issue!  

    I’m glad you were able to get to the bottom of the problem though!  Hopefully this helps someone else in the future. 
  19. Like
    BandiRoot got a reaction from Randy Calvert in Moved website to new hosting   
    Its all solved now. It had to do with the database password.
  20. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Randy Calvert in Moved website to new hosting   
    If you’ve confirmed you meet all of the system requirements, you might want to check the server’s Apache error logs to see what is going on. Your new host might have specific file ownership or permission settings that need applied. 
  21. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to SardiniaNET in PHP 8 - deteriorated performance.   
    Is it possible that changing the version of PHP in use to 8.0 could somehow make the performance of IPS worse?
  22. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to Marc Stridgen in PHP 8 - deteriorated performance.   
    Not unless you have issues on your server with PHP8, no. Check you dont have anything which is throwing constant errors on your system by looking at the system logs in your System logs.
  23. Like
    BandiRoot reacted to LiquidFractal in PHP 8 - deteriorated performance.   
    If anything, since switching to PHP8 I've noticed things operating slightly faster.
  24. Like
    BandiRoot got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in No update button in ACP   
    Thanks @Marc Stridgen
  25. Agree
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