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Everything posted by TSP

  1. I would like for the embeds to contain a reference to the author name of the embedded content as before. In the previous version this would be contained within the title ("X replied to …") I understand you currently reference the author with the avatar, however this is not enough information in most cases to understand who the author is. I hope you can consider adding the author name to these embeds, as it's something I've received feedback on from members, and I think it can be placed together with the date of when it was posted. For reference, example of embeds as they look now: In previous versions this was the look of embeds:
  2. Hello, Is there a shortcut for opening the link dialog in the editor? In the accessibility documentation for CKEditor it says Ctrl+L, but that doesn't do anything here.
  3. I discussed this briefly with @Daniel F and @Martin A. a week ago, but I'm creating this topic to make sure it's not forgotten and it can hopefully be added to some todo-list for a future version. I realize there might be good reason for why you've done something like you've done, but in that case I would happy to hear about the reasoning and maybe get some discussion on it. Example 1: Badges This is part of your template code in forums/front/topics/post.phtml: <div class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsComment_badges'> <ul class='ipsList_reset ipsFlex ipsFlex-jc:end ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsGap_row:1'> {{if ! $comment->isFirst() and $comment->author()->member_id AND $comment->author()->member_id == $item->author()->member_id}} <li><strong class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_large ipsComment_authorBadge">{lang="author"}</strong></li> {{endif}} {{if $comment->author()->hasHighlightedReplies()}} <li><strong class='ipsBadge ipsBadge_large ipsBadge_highlightedGroup'>{expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )->name" raw="true"}</strong></li> {{endif}} {{if ( $comment->item()->isSolved() and $comment->item()->mapped('solved_comment_id') == $comment->pid )}} <li><strong class='ipsBadge ipsBadge_large ipsBadge_positive ipsBadge_reverse'><i class='fa fa-check'></i> {lang="this_is_a_solved_post"}</strong></li> {{endif}} {{if $comment->isFeatured()}} <li><strong class='ipsBadge ipsBadge_large ipsBadge_popular'>{lang="this_is_a_featured_post"}</strong></li> {{endif}} {{if ( settings.reputation_enabled and settings.reputation_highlight and $comment->reactionCount() >= settings.reputation_highlight ) }} <li><strong class='ipsBadge ipsBadge_large ipsBadge_popular'>{lang="this_is_a_popular_post"}</strong></li> {{endif}} </ul> </div> I have a plugin where I want to remove the "Author"-badge in some circumstances. In order to do this, I have to choose the following hook point and do a replace: div[data-controller='core.front.core.comment'] div.ipsComment_badges > ul > li > strong.ipsComment_authorBadge The problem here is that the element I really would want to target is the li-element, but I can't. The consequence is that I leave an empty li-element behind and this creates extra spacing in the theme (which may or not be visible depending on whether there's another badge next to it) My solution to this is: public function post( $item, $comment, $editorName, $app, $type, $class='' ) { $return = parent::post( $item, $comment, $editorName, $app, $type, $class ); return str_replace( "<li>\n<!-- Post anonymously: removed author-badge -->\n</li>", '<!-- Post anonymously: removed author-badge and empty li-tag -->', $return ); } But this will more likely be something that will cause issues on an upgrade. It would be better if there was a getBadges()-function that would provide the badges and I could override. Example 2: Ellipsis menu and/or moderation tools: You also have an awful lot of logic in your templates that has to do with moderation tools. Look at all this stuff, from the same template: <ul id='elControls_{$comment->$idField}_menu' class='ipsMenu ipsMenu_narrow ipsHide'> {{if $comment->canReportOrRevoke() === TRUE}} <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->url('report')}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-remoteSubmit data-ipsDialog-size='medium' data-ipsDialog-flashMessage='{lang="report_submit_success"}' data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="report_post"}" data-action='reportComment' title='{lang="report_content"}'>{lang="report"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if $comment->mapped('first') }} <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->item()->url()}' title='{lang="share_this_post"}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-content='#elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}_menu' data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="share_this_post"}" d='elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}' data-role='shareComment'>{lang="share"}</a></li> {{else}} <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'findComment', 'comment' => $comment->$idField ) )}' title='{lang="share_this_post"}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-content='#elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}_menu' data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="share_this_post"}" id='elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}' data-role='shareComment'>{lang="share"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if $comment->canEdit() || ( !$comment->mapped('first') and ( $comment->canPromoteToSocialMedia() || $comment->item()->canSolve() || $comment->canDelete() || $comment->canHide() || $comment->canUnhide() || $comment->canSplit() || $item->canFeatureComment() || $item->canUnfeatureComment() || ( $comment->hidden() == -2 AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('can_manage_deleted_content') ) ) )}} <li class='ipsMenu_sep'><hr></li> {{endif}} {{if $comment->canEdit()}} {{if $comment->mapped('first') and $comment->item()->canEdit()}} <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'edit' )}'>{lang="edit"}</a></li> {{else}} <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->url('edit')}' data-action='editComment'>{lang="edit"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{endif}} {{if $comment->hidden() == -2 AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('can_manage_deleted_content')}} <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->url('restore')->csrf()}' data-confirm data-confirmSubMessage='{lang="restore_as_visible_desc"}'>{lang="restore_as_visible"}</a></li> <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->url('restore')->csrf()->setQueryString( 'restoreAsHidden', 1 )}' data-confirm data-confirmSubMessage='{lang="restore_as_hidden_desc"}'>{lang="restore_as_hidden"}</a></li> <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->url('delete')->csrf()->setQueryString( 'immediately', 1 )}' data-confirm data-confirmSubMessage='{lang="delete_immediately_desc"}'>{lang="delete_immediately"}</a></li> {{else}} {{if $comment instanceof \IPS\Content\Hideable}} {{if !$comment->hidden() and $comment->canHide()}} <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->url('hide')->csrf()}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="hide"}">{lang="hide"}</a></li> {{elseif $comment->hidden() and $comment->canUnhide()}} <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->url('unhide')->csrf()}'>{lang="unhide"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{endif}} {{if $comment->canSplit()}} <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->url('split')}' data-action='splitComment' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="split_to_new" sprintf="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( $item::$title )"}">{lang="split"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if $comment->canDelete()}} <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->url('delete')->csrf()->setPage('page',\IPS\Request::i()->page)}' data-action='deleteComment' data-updateOnDelete="#commentCount">{lang="delete"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if $comment->isFeatured() AND $item->canUnfeatureComment()}} <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->url('unfeature')->csrf()->setPage('page',\IPS\Request::i()->page)}' data-action="unrecommendComment">{lang="unrecommend_content"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if !$comment->isFeatured() AND $item->canFeatureComment()}} <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='{$comment->url('feature')->csrf()->setPage('page',\IPS\Request::i()->page)}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="recommend_post"}' data-ipsDialog-remoteSubmit data-ipsDialog-size='medium' data-action="recommendComment">{lang="recommend_content"}</a></li> {{endif}} {{if ( ! $comment->mapped('first') and $comment->canPromoteToSocialMedia() )}} <li class='ipsMenu_item'>{template="promoteLink" app="core" group="global" params="$comment"}</li> {{endif}} {{endif}} </ul> In my opinion a lot of this logic should rather come from new and more sentralized functions like: $comment->getModeratorOptions() or something that would return a list of prepared <a>-elements or an array or object with the necessary components to also set things like 'data-ipsDialog' etc. for some items.
  4. I also find the current behaviour here frustrating, as it's so much slower, and it happens quite often for the big boards I work on. I've often found ongoing COUNT(*)-queries to be the culprit, which is kind of ironic since the purpose of them is to figure out whether the table is so big that queries against them will take a long time or not. Could you at least lower the refresh time? It's currently 2 seconds and should ideally be instant. If instant isn't feasible, then at least let it be 1 second.
  5. Hello, In 4.5 if you create a announcement with the option "Floating bar at the top of the page" it no longer sticks to the top down the entire page. It only sticks inside the section with the header and navigation. In 4.4 it followed you down along the entire page, which is what I would expect to still be the case.
  6. I'm moving the search box to be on the same line as the top breadcrumb. When doing so I noticed a difference in the HTML markup between the list items that were already there and added by javascript when you click "More options…" When you open the search on this community, the first item is: <li> <span class="ipsSideMenu_item ipsSideMenu_itemActive" data-ipsmenuvalue="all"> <input type="radio" name="type" value="all" checked="" id="elQuickSearchRadio_type_all"> <label for="elQuickSearchRadio_type_all" id="elQuickSearchRadio_type_all_label">Everywhere</label> </span> </li> And the Topics-item has the same HTML. However, when you click "More options" other options become available. Here is the HTML for one of them: <li> <a href="#" class="ipsSideMenu_item" data-ipsmenuvalue="cms_pages_pageitem"> <input type="radio" name="type" value="cms_pages_pageitem" id="elQuickSearchRadio_type_cms_pages_pageitem"> <label for="elQuickSearchRadio_type_cms_pages_pageitem" id="elQuickSearchRadio_type_cms_pages_pageitem_label">Pages</label> </a> </li> The difference to note here is that for the first items there is a <span>-tag wrapping the items, while in the ones added by JS it's a <a>-element. I presume this is a bug as I can't think of a reason it would be intentional.
  7. Someone deserves a raise! I'm working on an upgrade to 4.5 now where I'm updating a custom theme, and as a result I saw that this bit of feedback has finally been resolved 😄 Sorry for the bump, but I had a slight squeal of joy as I saw this, as it has been one of those annoying little pet peeves I've had with the default theme for some years now.
  8. I've had a custom widget where the code for the configuration-method contains a header. This works in 4.4, but in 4.5 it fails (at least when IN_DEV is active). <? public function configuration( &$form=null ) { if ( $form === null ) { $form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form; } $form->add( … ) … $form->addHeader('livefeed_forumsettings'); $form->add( … ); … return $form; } The error is: Trying to get property 'name' of non-object And is caused by the logic in applications/core/dev/html/front/widgets/formTemplate.phtml: {{if $input->name and \mb_substr( $input->name, 0, 12 ) != 'widget_adv__' and ! \in_array( $input->name, $visibilityFields )}} Fixing that specific check it'll fail other places though. So some bugs for you to quash 🙂 For now I guess I'll just remove the form header from the form, while I await your fix, unless you want us to sectionize widget settings in a different way than this.
  9. Hello, I haven't had time to update or test this on 4.5 yet. I don't know when either unfortunately
  10. TSP


    I think it would be interesting to hear if there are any details you could share about what's been done in the background? What are some of these new processes etc. that have made things become better? I'm just genuinely curious, if there are any details/improvements you could talk about. Anyway, welcome to the community forums as well, Olivia!
  11. I don't have any plans for any changes to this plugin currently. I'm sorry.
  12. Should be possible to achieve currently for future posts. 1) Make an account with the name Anonymous 2) Choose this user account for the setting "Posts appear as posted by" 3) In your language packs, find the string with key anon_poster_hash. Change it to whatever you'd like. If you wish for it to be removed, I think you can try to just translate it as &nbsp;
  13. Do people affected here by any chance have multiple memcache-servers defined? I'm currently investigating some issues related to a lot of INSERT INTO core_store-queries with the same values being generated. One of the instances where this happens seems to be when one or multiple of the memcache-instances is unavailable.
  14. While we are looking at this code. Why don't you just use isset instead of in_array? Seems to me it would be lighter in terms of performance. Simply: if (isset($this->words[$k])) instead of: if (\in_array($k, array_keys($this->words))) Or am I missing some reason you use this approach, which to me seems like more overhead? I found a blog post on this: http://maettig.com/1397246220 And some stackoverflow answers https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13483219/what-is-faster-in-array-or-isset I haven't looked any closer into this code, than just watching the video, but if $this->words contains all the language strings, then I would expect some performance improvement by changing to use isset or array_key_exists (if you need to account for that the value could be null).
  15. New version available in Marketplace! The price of the plugin was also increased from 10 USD to 12,50 USD. 1.2.1 - Only for Invision Community version 4.4 and later New Behaviour: "Mark As Spammer" will now also hide/delete posts posted anonymously, if applicable. This depends on your settings on the "Mark As Spammer"-tab in the Spam Prevention section of your Admin Control Panel. New Setting: "Hide/delete their anonymous posts when member is marked as spammer" - (Default is ON) Please note: Changing the setting will not affect already queued background tasks to hide/delete a member content. New Behaviour: Anonymous posting will now count towards the members limit of posts per day and the flood control For example: If the Flood Control setting is set to 10 seconds, then a single member can't post a second post before it's been 10 seconds since their previous post. Previously the time value was not updated for the real author when they posted anonymously, meaning they could circumvent this flood control. This new behavior fixes this issue. New setting: "Count anonymous posts against the real authors group settings for flood and posts per day control" - (Default is ON) Fixed issue with the "All"-checkbox not working for the setting "Who can post anonymously" Installing the plugin will now generate a value for the setting "Unique board anonymous key" (Not done on upgrade) Removed hook on \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly, it was no longer needed after moving the function to check who posted anonymously Removed some previous versions. The upgrade files for these versions didn't do anything and was therefor a waste of space. Removed form field for post id on the "Check original author"-page
  16. An update has been released! 1.2.0 - Only for Invision Community version 4.4 and later The link for checking who posted anonymously has been changed. Uploading of a separate file is no longer needed. Just install/update the plugin. If you used a previous version and uploaded the an additional file, please feel free to delete it from your installation. Location of the file in your community folder: applications/core/extensions/core/ModCp/CheckAnon.php New Feature: Force Anonymous Posting This lets you decide that members in certain forums will have no choice in whether posts will be posted anonymously. The checkbox to post anonymously will still be visible, but will be disabled and displayed as checked. There is also a different language string that explains why the checkbox is checked and disabled. New Setting: "Force Anonymous Posting in" - Choose which forums to force anonymous posts in Please note: The selected forums will also need to have been selected in the setting: "Can Post Anonymously in" New setting: "Groups that are not forced" - Choose member groups that can bypass anonymous posting The checkbox to post anonymously will still be checked by default in forums where anonymous posting is enforced, but members in these groups can choose to uncheck it. New setting: "Turn off 'Post Before Register' in forums where anonymous posting is enforced" (Default is ON) The plugin is not fully compatible with the "Post Before Register"-feature (PBR). Guests that write posts with the PBR will not be able to choose to post anonymously, neither would posts written with PBR, in a forum that force anonymous posting, be changed to an anonymous post upon completing the register process. New Feature: Daily task to remove original author link after a certain number of days. (Default is never) The task also deletes some other data stored for debugging purposes. Settings have been rearrangered and broken up into two sections: "Basic Settings" and "Advanced Settings". The guest group is no longer selectable for group settings. Fixed bug that made you unable to uncheck the "All"-checkbox on settings for groups and forums if you had previously checked it. Circumventing the issue was possible by unchecking it, choosing some forums/groups. Save. Then uncheck the forums and save again. Fixed logic that caused the Post Before Register-feature to break in forums where anonymous posting was enabled. Fixed bug that caused issues with the moderator action to split a topic. Large parts of the code was refactored. Mostly to improve readability of it for myself and do some minor improvements.
  17. Could you clarify in what way it didn't work to do it that way? Could I get access to the admin panel for the installation to test myself? I can "only" reproduce an issue when the plugin is set up to let anonymous posts appear as guest posts, so if there is any other issue here, I would like to be aware, as I've not been able to reproduce issues with a dummy account in that setting.
  18. You can circumvent the issue by creating a dummy account and choosing that account for the setting "Posts appear as posted by". Once again sorry for the inconvenience. I've just started looking closer into the issue.
  19. Hello, Sorry for the lack of updates. I have a lot to do at the moment, but I'll try to make something happen here this week. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
  20. Hello, Send them a ticket and ask nicely to do the file upload. As far as I’ve heard they are willing to do some uploads on request.
  21. @Brainy S. Sorry for my late reply. I've noted this, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to spend time adding it. If it is added I think it's going to be a setting whether it should remember that you posted anonymously previously in the topic or not. Currently it's intentional, as I don't want to reveal the identity of who posted anonymously, even in those cases where the person that posted something anonymously is the same person being logged in. (Which is also why I don't allow people to edit their own anonymous posts either etc.)
  22. Jeg har oppdatert språkpakken for å løse problemet som ble nevnt og oversette noe mer tekst som har blitt lagt til.
  23. I see it's still not back in 4.2.4 pre-release. Could someone from IPS give us an idea on when it's coming back?
  24. Hello, There is no indication in the mobile menu on which account you're logged into. There is no profile image or member name. I suggest that you add the member name to the Sign Out-button, so it'll say for example: Sign Out TSP Alternatively you could have a small line at the top of the mobile user menu with the avatar and user name next to it, above the sign out-button or the message/notification/report-icons. Thanks for considering this small change that I feel will improve the mobile user experience.
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