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Posts posted by LemonGrenade

  1. I have been using @All Astronauts 'Ads Everywhere' and you can specify the ad to show after an interval (past hour, etc) within the theme.

    That said, I know Adsense doesn't like that page as had problems with them listing it as no content!

  2. Thanks, @Marc Stridgen There isn't any guest posting anywhere, there never has been, which is why I was so concerned. It did move forum, because I moved it to a moderating forum, and then moved it back for you to check.

    I did slightly doubt that it was the board, as you guys would know about it way before, and obviously, others would be saying the same thing.

    I would agree and suspect it may be a third-party app, but without the marketplace hooked up in admin now and no notifications of updates, I wouldn't know where it could be from. Plus all devs are spread on sites around the internet now, which makes it so much harder when things like this occur and looking for updates.

    Thanks for looking into it anyway.

  3. Am just coming back to update this topic.

    As I thought, our forum has been contacted because we have hit some kind of limit on GIF bandwidth with Giphy and now we can either pay a fortune for a premium account or run an SDK via Giphy with adverts. I am very surprised others haven't been contacted yet.

    Remember, all gifs on older posts will still be using Giphy bandwidth, and over time as more get added, that will build up; before you know it, you will either have to pay or try and work out how to add the SDK to Invision and have the pleasure of running Giphy ads.

    I'm still in talks with them but looks like am going to have to deactivate it.

    This is something to keep in mind if you have it running on your forum, and also something for Invision to bear in mind with IPB 5 down the line. If it is something forum owners are going to have to deactivate later on, it might not be worth even having it running in the first place.

  4. Quote
    Hey there,
    Hope all is well! 
    GIPHY Support forwarded your email re: our two products we are offering, please let me know if you have any questions re: GIPHY Pro and the GIPHY SDK. 
    Chat soon!
    via Schitt's Creek on GIPHY
    Lydia Getachew
    Director of Business Development

    It's legit!

    Wondering now if the SDK will be easy to build in and what sort of display the ads will show. It may have to be deactivated completely depending on the ad frequency.

    @Marc Stridgen @Jim M It may be possible that I have received this as our forum has hit some kind of limit on the number of gifs being shown (it gets used a lot) so will reply and confirm that with them if I can.


  5. I've been looking into this more. Indeed Lydia is head at Giphy and the links go to the website. But, using a Google form and the daylight robbery amount of $120 a month to add gifs, makes me think this is probably some sort of scam message.

    Plus, using an email reply to confirm the option? Imagine all the replies and the man-hours to process this.

  6. Thanks @Jim M It was sent via email, and although I haven't clicked the Google form link (I'll remove it from the post) all the other links match up to their website.


    Thank you for partnering with GIPHY and for using our API! Our growing developer community continues to showcase the best and most innovative ways to use animated content across the internet.   


    We want to let you know that GIPHY is making some changes to our current business model to support the future of our developer products. Building and maintaining our developer tools — such as our API and SDK — demands substantial infrastructure and human capital to source, curate, and moderate all of the awesome content on the site. 


    You will have two options to choose from:

    1. GIPHY Pro: 

      • Premium access to GIPHY’s API, which includes: 

        • Ad-Free experience

        • Dedicated 24/7 dev support

        • Full library access (GIFs, Stickers, Clips, Emoji, etc.) 

    2. GIPHY SDK: 

      • Continued free access to our services via our SDK, which includes:

        • Access to GIFs and Stickers

        • Sponsored content via GIPHY Ads  


    If you choose GIPHY Pro, the services will be billed annually at $120 per month. To get set-up with GIPHY Pro click <link removed>. If you decide that you would like to keep free access, we will need you to integrate our SDK (instructions can be found here).

    Please let me know by December 15th, 2023 whether you would like to use Pro or our SDK! 





  7. I'm sure once we didn't have to create a Giphy account and it was a case of just switching it active in admin?

    Either way, it looks like they are going the SDK route with ads now (I haven't looked yet if this will code into the theme, etc) OR going premium via the usual API billed annually at an amazing price of just $120 per month!

    Will these end the whole Giphy integration with IPB?

  8. 22 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Posted previously in this topic - if you want Google Adsense to login to your site, then set up an account for it and configure away...


    Thanks Nathan, I'll give that another go! I looked at the details and was still using the username so have set it up again!

    All the best!

  9. Understood as mentioned on the last post.

    But, is there a way to display 'a' page with that url to a bot group somehow? It's not that it needs to show to guests, there is already /discover/ but a way to show /discover/unread/?id=1 page to Googlebot.

  10. Yep understood @Jim M The activity stream for members shows the new streams for them individually, but how to get at least that page displayed for Google in some capacity? There must be some sort of workaround so they can crawl that page and in turn, display ads easier.

    The media company displaying ads did appeal to Google (somehow) and now ads get displayed, but it still shows 'unknown crawl error' with restricted ads.

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