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Posts posted by PalmTalk

  1. On 12/29/2023 at 7:18 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    There is no simple way in which you would be able to do that, no. The correct way to do this would be for them to create the registration, rather than yourself. If you create it, you are opting to bypass the normal registration process

    Thanks Marc - I do wish to bypass the normal registration BS necessary these days to avoid spam - CAPTCHA, security questions, email confirmation, and approving first post, etc.

    But I would never wish to bypass the legal requirements now necessary to run a website - namely making the Users aware of the Terms of Service, GDPR, CCPA, (opt in/out), etc.

    I only wish to create accounts for Users who I already know are legit, but I need to comply with legal regulations and have a record of their agreement to accept and comply.

    IMO, I would not be in compliance if I create New Users as an Admin as it is presently set up.

  2. I was surprised to find that when I add a New Member manually (to prompt an interested party to register) that they get an email so they can complete their registration with a password and other profile information - but there is apparently no provision to have them Accept any Privacy and Terms of Use provisions - or Opt in/out in order to comply with GDPR and CPUU regulations. 

    This has to be an oversight, and one that creates potential legal liability when using the manual registration option to help those having registration problems.

    Shouldn’t be too hard to port them to the original registration page (or similar) and complete (or update) their registration/profile and Acceptance as it appears on that page already.

    Thanks for your consideration.

  3. When creating a new member manually from ACP an email is sent to the New Member with a link to select password, complete profile, etc. 

    However, there is no prompt or boxes for them to accept Terms or Opt in/out. Is there an easy way (no template modification) to add those fields for this New Member to complete at the same time?

  4. Thanks again - that sounded logical - I just wasn't sure - and thought I had seen a global setting for that. Might be a nice option to have.

    Reason being - I have a new, apparently sophisticated spammer using some AI I guess, that is bypassing all my safeguards. I switched reCAPTCHA to keyCAPCHA yesterday - and he managed to avoid it and post 40 topics quickly - apparently bypassing the new flood control I initiated at 70 seconds as well. 

    Not sure about all that yet - but would be nice if I could just enable a first post approval for all new members site wide until I can get a grip on the situation.

  5. Thanks for super fast reply. I saw that but was confused. 

    It sounded as if after activation then one post had to be approved first, and then all content after that didn't need it be.

    Can I assume then that all Users that have already posted before this option was activated are considered to have one approved post already?? They have posts, but nobody "officially" approved them.

    I was afraid if activated, that would trigger all Users (new and old) to have at least one post "officially" approved after the option was activated. 

  6. Thanks - but I am really missing it then. I don't think I have anyone setup as a bulk mail subscriber - might that be it?

    Once a month I am to be given a .pdf Newsletter by a site's owner. All I see in the Edit for the "Newsletter Signup" is a "text reply" box. I don't see any settings for having it sent to Users on a schedule. 

    Is there a place to upload the .pdfs and then have it sent to the Subscribers when done so?

    I don't see it as a Guest either.


  7. I'm sure I'm missing something - and hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

    I have moved the Newsletter SignUp block to my sidebar. It says something like it will not be visible until I set it up. I have added text to the "reply box," but apparently I need to set something else up somewhere.

    Please Help.

  8. 15 hours ago, teraßyte said:

    You'll also need to upgrade PHP at least to 7.4 before upgrading the forum to the latest version. PHP 8 would be even better. You can ask your hosting about that, unless you manage also the server yourself.

    Thanks for reply - Yes I understand there may be things like this, but that is one of the things I worry about - that is, would PHP 8 be compatible with V 4.4.10 if I upgraded to it before the IPS upgrade. Or should I go to PHP 7.4 first and then to PHP 8 after the IPS upgrade? 

    Same concerns with MySQL and possibly Apache versions as well.

    Those are the main reasons I would prefer to hire someone familiar with such issues. 

    It is a fully managed dedicated server so easy enough to get done.

    Would you be interested in doing the work?

  9. I Admin/Moderate a large 15 yr. old "Community" (425 GB - almost all in the Forum) for an important customer, with important information and images. It is running V 4.4.10 on a dedicated server with Liquid Web. 

    I wish to hire someone experienced to upgrade to the latest version. I don't want to take any chances. I previously paid Invision to do my upgrades via their "Premium Support" which I believe is no longer available. So, I have little confidence in my abilities in this area, or the "automatic" upgrade process when it comes to dealing with such an irreplaceable resource.

    I am more concerned with hiring experience before cost. There is a very simple skin with minor customization. A third party App that I believe will need to be eliminated (unsupported, and reason for no recent upgrades). And unsure about PHP and MySQL version compatibilities - see attached info.

    Website URL - www.palmtalk.org



    Could contain: Text, Page, Paper, Business Card

  10. I can see I wasn't clear enough in my question about Users posting an ad - since I am unfamiliar with the Classified App. So let me try again.

    I wish to let Users post their own ad for an item for sale. But I would also like "capture" a portion of the sale price. Since I suspect that would be very complicated, perhaps I could require a small yearly fee for the privilege to post ads and manage it through Group permissions? 

    Or would there be a way to require a small payment per classified ad posted?

    In other words, how might my site make a little money off allowing Users to post Classified Ads - with a minimum of Moderating and managing? Could this App help in that regard?

  11. Thanks for your prompt reply - one more question please. I also couldn't tell what options were available as far as locations for the graphic. Is it restricted to the sidebar area in a post? Or could it be customized to appear in the body of the post somewhere like an old "Badges" plugin that had it running diagonally across the top right corner of the post.

  12. Sorry - I must be missing something. Can I do the following with your app?

    I want to display a custom trophy/banner underneath my primary User Group Icon in posts. As you know, only one User Group icon (Primary) can be displayed at the same time.

    Here is a standard user group icon.


    And here is the custom banner I wish to display underneath the User Group icon shown above. I did see there is an app to "show Secondary User Group Icon, but it looked like it may not be as stable and supported as well as yours.


  13. Question please.....

    I would like a User to list a donated item for sale with payment going to the Forum Owner's non-profit's account. The owner would then notify the User that payment has been made and the User would send item to the buyer.

    Is that possible without much trouble?

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