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Posts posted by HighlanderICT

  1. I am encountering this issue too ... My main site seems to be working well (no errors) but after several weeks of getting the upgrade message on screen and not doing it because it wasn't convenient, I decided to upgrade today.  Clicked the upgrade now button, prompts me to login, and then i get the error message

    Could contain: Text, File, Page

    Could contain: Chart, Plot, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware


    Have looked at this thread and tried some suggestions like looking in the datastore folder, and checking for crashed tables - nothing appears to be wrong there. Happy to now try the recovery mode but my main question is whether this resets the frontend themes my users are getting or just the ACP?

    Our site is little busier than normal this week and the two themes I created, while mostly just color customizations from the default, took a fair bit of effort to get in place. They appear to be working normally for users at the moment so while I may need to work on recreating them if corrupted, I would like my end users to be blissfully unaware of any behind-the-scenes theme recreation if at all possible.

    OR - is it better, or even possible, to do it the old-school way and upload the new version files via FTP and have the site recognize a new version needs to be installed.   



  2. On 7/17/2023 at 4:08 PM, CheersnGears said:

    I highly recommend the @CleanTalk plug-in.

    I installed this plugin in the timeline shown above when we were getting absolutely slammed, and almost immediately our registrations and visits dropped to 0. These are my stats for the 7-day free trial and just purchased the 2-year subscription with 6 months free so about USD$22 for 2.5 years. (...And another 6 months for writing an honest review!) 

    Could contain: Page, Text

  3. another dozen registrations overnight. all had either not responded to validation email or needed admin validation. flagged them all. 

    Installed the plugin from @CleanTalk and set it up, registered for free trial and within 5 minutes it blocked its first registration attempt. Will see how it helps me during free trial. At $12 per year it seems value for money if it does what it says on the tin.  

  4. We got absolutely slammed over the last 12-15hrs. Normally we get 0-1 spam registrations per day as we have all the typical measures in place - captcha, registration questions, email validation etc. In the last 12-15 hours we have had more than 50.

    The Spam Defense system also helps but our license expired last week and I had not renewed it so registrations did not go through there (my bad), but all other measures were still in place. Last night we had about 35 registrations, all spammers, and all got through. They posted with merry abandon! My mods flagged them as spammers in a game of cyber whack-a-mole.

    I renewed my license this morning to get the Spam Defense working again and also tweaked it so that registrations require admin validation now until this (hopefully) dies down. Since I did this, have seen another 15 or so registrations. Spam defense caught 3 of them. 2 with a score of 4, the other with a score of 3. I flagged them as spammers which hopefully adds them to Spam Defense? My concern however is that the StopForumSpam site which I used to check the rest shows some combination of username, email address or IP address, and in some cases all three values for each of the others so how could Spam Defense rate these as 1 when they are already blacklisted?    

  5. Also got exact same email from Google today. I am assuming I set this up correctly and the key they reference in the email is definitely the value of the public key not the private one.  Just don't want to get a nasty surprise one day where my normal $0.00 Google Maps "invoice" actually shows an amount. 


    Could contain: Page, Text, Document, Invoice, File





  6. Yes, no patches showing up (running 4.7.1 of everything). Only recommendation that comes up is to not use cloudflare but no effect if we switch that off so we switched it back on again. 

    We have a custom theme (from marketplace) as well as custom templates for pages (Supergrid) also have copy_topic and promote_posts_to_articles plugins but reverting to default template and disabling all of these also had no effect.  

  7. My editor has started noticing a strange problem that did not exist previously. For each of the last few weeks, whenever he publishes an article, it does not appear at the top of the list of articles, instead, it is at the end. This happens regardless of whether he is writing the article directly into the CMS or is copying or promoting from a topic

    Through a process of elimination, we have determined that ALL affected articles have the same issue. The entry for each article in the DB has a record_saved field with the date but the field in the database called record_publish_date always shows 0. If I manually copy the record saved date to the other field it displays as intended but if i create an article and just save it, the database entry shows 0 and its nowhere to be seen on front page. 


    Could contain: Text, Number, Symbol, Word, Page


    thought perhaps there may be an issue with using 'immediately' as a setting for publish, but created a second test article and used the date instead and still record_publish_date is 0. 

    Could contain: Text


    Suggestions? Advice? Pointers? 



  8. Got an error


    OutOfRangeException:  (0)
    #0 /chroot/home/<site>/html/init.php(927) : eval()'d code(64): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load()
    #1 /chroot/home/<site>/html/system/Content/Item.php(460): IPS\cms\hook1655->processAfterCreate()
    #2 /chroot/home/<site>/html/applications/cms/sources/Records/Records.php(2460): IPS\Content\_Item::createFromForm()
    #3 /chroot/home/<site>/html/applications/cms/modules/front/database/topic.php(257): IPS\cms\_Records::createFromForm()
    #4 /chroot/home/<site>/html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\cms\modules\front\database\_topic->form()
    #5 /chroot/home/<site>/html/applications/cms/modules/front/database/topic.php(47): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #6 /chroot/home/<site>/html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\cms\modules\front\database\_topic->execute()
    #7 /chroot/home/<site>/html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #8 {main}


    As a test I also tweaked the settings in the DB settings in ACP and asked it to add a prefix to the topic title. Looks like it does create the topic or perhaps more accurately, reuses the topic that was created before. I created a topic called 'test topic 9' in forum 'A' which I promoted to article and should have appeared in forum 'B' based on the DB settings ...  However, the topic remained in forum A and was renamed to 'art_test topic 9' which was the prefix i set in the settings. 


  9. 45 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Well, even you are confirming that the core software changed. The plugin didn’t change since IPS 4.4.

    The article creation in handled by Pages. My plugin does absolutely nothing in this regard. Pages does.

    Sorry. It does what is programmed to do.

    Hi Adriano - I agree. The change was to the core software in some fashion, not your plugin which has been happily sitting on our site for years and doing everything that was asked of it, and now somehow the topic is not getting created by pages if that article came from a topic ... That's why I initially posted here not in the plugin support as its a change in how the software behaves. 

    I dont have the coding knowledge to figure it out so I guess we need to live with it, hope it gets fixed, or change our own processes in publishing articles. 

  10. Hi @Adriano Faria - until V4.7 it did everything we wanted. 

    We often use your copy plugin to copy a template post we setup before to a new thread - all works well and does what it should.  We then edit that new thread and when its complete we use the promote post to article plugin to make it an article. It works well and the article is created. So it does what it should. 

    Under 4.6 it does not seem to affect the option chosen in database settings to create a topic in a forum of your choice to store the article and the comments and the new topic is created when you publish the article. 

    Under 4.7 it seems to do everything else but it does not allow the database to create a topic for a new article. I agree, the plugin DOES promote the post to article, but for whatever reason, the article it creates no longer creates its own topic as requested.  

  11. Thanks Jim

    I believed I had done that but when I create an article the standard way after disabling the plugins it seems to work. When promoting a post to an article it does not. Using the latest version of the plugin from @Adriano Faria so will post to the support topic for the plugin. 

    We do like to use the forums to create articles as we tend to use a few templates we have created over the course of a season and just copy them, edit the relevant info and then convert to article. Its a football site so much of the layout is repetitive over the year, just the content is different. will continue looking into it. thanks for your time. 

  12. For years we have published our articles the same way ... Our users, depending on permissions have 3 ways to do it.

    • Admins/Mods can use the backend (create new article) or the front-end (add new article).
    • Our editorial team - which has permissions slightly below moderator level - does not have access to this so creates an article in a dedicated forum (sometimes from a previously created template that is first copied to the relevant forum) and one of the admins or mods then promote these to an article. We use the copy topic and promote posts to articles plugins from @Adriano Faria to make all this work. The resultant article is published on the front page and a copy of the article that stores the comments is also posted to a specific forum (or should be). 

    This was all working flawlessly until recently. My guess is last week when we encountered an error on the site although we didn't publish any articles since June 30 so it could possibly have been earlier (although no updates were done). The error we encountered last week was theme related, causing us to have error 500 all over the place and basically forced up to upgrade from the version we were using (4.6.x) to 4.7 to get rid of the error. We can still use the same article system method in the front or backend as well as the non-admin method to copy topic / promote posts to article and the article itself will still publish to our-picks and also the front page as well as facebook/twitter. HOWEVER, it no longer posts to the forum we tell it to use for the article and comments. Am I missing something here? Did something change? 


    This is the setting in the Database / Forums. I have verified this and rebuilt everything just in case there was an issue.

    Could contain: File, Text, Page, Document, Webpage


    I have also verified that none of the Categories have the over-ride set

    Could contain: Text, Page

    I have checked two articles I know were done correctly and I can see them promoted to articles as they have a link left behind in the forum where they were created.

    Could contain: Text, Page


    They appear on the front page and in our picks

    Could contain: Text, Paper, Advertisement, Poster, Person, Human, Flyer, Brochure 

    Could contain: Person, Human, Text, Logo, Trademark, Symbol, Number


    However, they do not appear in the forum noted in the database config above .... The last time anything went into the forum where it was supposed to go was May 30th so the 2 items shown in OurPicks above are not there but the 3rd one is ....

    Could contain: Text, File, Page, Document, Webpage



    Any hints or suggestions on where to look for this error would be greatfully received? I believe I have checked everywhere I should but its possible I missed some setting that changed between 4.6 and 4.7 and that's throwing me off. 

  13. Is it possible to have the original date as shown in the screenshot above DISABLED by default ?  We use this a lot for various post templates and when we copy the template from our editorial forum to the main one the person editing this often forgets to uncheck this value and its a lot of steps to go into the database and set a new post date .... If not possible to make it an option, is there a manual edit we can make to turn this flag off  ?

  14. I have similar issue. Looking to make only minor tweaks to our site on the surface.

    First thing I noticed when doing a conversion on the test site was that the main menu is now solid color and I cant figure out where to change it. On our current site the main menu is transparent unless you hover over the heading when it changes to the secondary color and more or less points you to the sub-menu. Its more aesthetically pleasing IMHO. 

    I played around with the theme settings and can remove the red block using the main theme editor but then its just background color and of course text is white so invisible. The background header image also stops abruptly and doesn't extend down as it does now. If I use the custom CSS in the previous site all that happens is I get a blue block instead of red, not the blue block on hover and transparent elsewhere. 

    CSS is not my strong point so suggestions/help appreciated. 




  15. I just bought this plugin yesterday and thought to bash ahead and do some conversions without brain engaged .... end result is that I made a mistake on our live forum converting a forum to a club and accidentally deleted the forum content for that new club. so its basically lost as far as I can see as its no longer in the forum area and now deleted from the clubs. Luckily I chose to try this out on a smaller, less used area of my site so the damage is limited ! 

    I currently have a DEV copy of the same forum up and running which uses a copy of the original database, and as this particular forum was not heavily used and the content is more or less the same as my live site (I might lose a few topics but not all) I thought I could install the plugin on the DEV site, convert the forum on the DEV site to a club then export the SQL for that club on the DEV site back into my live site. However I get an error installing the plugin and not sure what the issue is.

    There are no errors logged on the system or error logs and no server error.log file in the site folders when viewed in FTP. Have tried disabling all the plugins, clearing caches, rebuilding indexes, optimising and repairing SQL tables etc. My alternative is to try and extract all the info (posts, topics, etc) from the dev site and copy them back to the main site. I can do that with the forum itself and the topics as I can isolate these by forum_id (21) but cannot see how I can do it with the posts !       

    This was the error ... anyone encountered this before ? or have another suggestion on how I can restore this forum/club

    Oops, thers seems to be a problem: /admin/?adsess=ee4b9c95b82896b99ab67d8ff66e0874&app=core&module=applications&controller=plugins&do=doInstall&file=/tmp/IPSitu5wF&key=8a6f17d2d35a7e5f705abb3d22e5d26c does not seem to be loading right now. Go back to <site>/admin/?adsess=ee4b9c95b82896b99ab67d8ff66e0874&app=core&module=applications&controller=plugins 


    EDIT - got it restored in the end, but it was a manual process that involved finding the data in the DB copy, then running a bunch of SQL queries to get the forum ID then the topics for that forum id, and finally the individual posts for those topics based on the topic IDs in the posts. Pretty laborious, but it worked.   


  16. 1 minute ago, Adriano Faria said:

    It's one of the limitations: it's a moderator permission. So only moderators can do it.

    Does that mean an administrator cannot ? I dont see it at all ... but thats not really an issue as I prefer to keep using your plugin. its plain and simple and does all that i need .


    1 minute ago, Adriano Faria said:

    It has nothing to do with the PROMOTE feature. To promote to Our Picks, you click in the PROMOTE button in the topic, article, etc. To promote a post into an article, you can use the COPY TO DATABASE new feature, which is limited, or keep using my plugin.

    I know, thats what i mean .... he is used to using your plugin to promote to article and that was it .... his editing was finished .... now I am asking him to promote to article then go back to the newly promoted article and use the internal system to promote to social media and to 'our picks' if we want it there too. (no big deal and off topic for the functionality of the plugin).

  17. 16 hours ago, NoGi said:

    It's called Copy to Database and available via the Moderator sub menu when enabled

    Where do you enable it ? I cant see the option to do so in the member groups or in forum permissions anywhere. It is probably staring me in the face but I cannot find it in ACP 


    16 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Mine will still be useful for some. You can promote any post, not only first. Topic followers become article followers. You can select which user groups can do that; In IPS4.2 it's a moderator permission. You can choose in which forums plugin will work, etc.

    I like your plugin as its quite simple and puts a link there right on the actual post. no extra clicks or hidden in menus anywhere .... more importantly, my editor finds it easy to use ! He just has to get his head round the new promote to social media and to 'our picks' option in 4.2

  18. 3 minutes ago, Joel R said:

    This is now available as a default feature in IPS 4.2.  

    I can promote to Facebook, Twitter or 'Our Picks' and all of these are welcome additions, but have I missed the option to promote an individual post to an actual article ? I did not see that and thats what this plugin does. 

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