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Posts posted by riko

  1. Hi Marc thank you for the swift reply!

    I have empty email error logs, but I got, I only now checked, a whole lot of system errors:

    pop3 IPS\Email\Incoming\PopImapException (0) UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE:-ERR message 50 expunged

    And some in the backtrace:

    site/forum/system/Email/Incoming/PopImap.php(160): IPS\Email\Incoming\_PopImap->_getLine()
    #1 site/forum/system/Email/Incoming/PopImap.php(99): IPS\Email\Incoming\_PopImap->_putLine()
    #2 site/forum/applications/core/tasks/pop.php(59): IPS\Email\Incoming\_PopImap->getEmail()
    #3 site/forum/system/Task/Task.php(281): IPS\core\tasks\_pop->execute()
    #4 /site/forum/system/Task/Task.php(244): IPS\_Task->run()
    #5 site/forum/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(72): IPS\_Task->runAndLog()
    #6 {main}

    There are over 600 error pages btw... 😞

  2. Hello,

    I send a bulk mail on 04-14-24 through the forum software.

    Since then approximately 3400 emails per day of this SAME email are send to 1! ONE person, totalling for +46.000! emails send from the forum software to this one person.
    They are all with different message IDs, so they were delivered separately.

    I'm using sendgrid to send my tiny lot (<500) of bulk"" mail ech month, and this is horrific for that person.


    Please help, I deleted that mail and somehow the forum is still sending it.

  3. 21 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    The only way to do this in the core platform would be to add specific donations as products. There is no way in which to do it with the normal donations part unfortunately.

    There is currently no way in which to do it (exept for the earlier mentioned plug-in). 🙃 
    It's just code you can target to do some more code (I think). 

    But thank you for chiming in! I'll have a look at the product suggestion.👍

  4. Thank you for your time & reply. 😄

    Yes I've seen that plug-in. Based upon past experiences I try to run my forum without plug-ins that need constant updates when the forum software is updated.  
    Thinking of it, this is such a logical thing, ->donation-> give reward, I'm baffeled that this isn't already included in the forum software.

    Anyway, I think I remember I manually added this reward to people who donated in the past.

    Thanks again for the reply! 😀


  5. Hi all,

    I'm stumped, I think I've set this up before but cannot figure out how to do this now. (I'm getting old, argh!)🫣

    Here is my question: I like to reward those who make (any) donation by giving them access to a specific for everybody else hidden gallery folder.
    Is that even without plug-ins possible and if so how?

    Thank you  in advance!

  6. Hi,

    I'm having part of my Invision forum for paying members only through Paypal.

    Doing some research on paying members who's time lapsed, I found out that some (for example Pete X) did pay for his subscription the last time in 2019.
    Maximum time I have subscriptions for is 1 year.

    Yet Pete X is still in the membersgroup for paying members only.

    Can I have some assistance here? I'm a bit doubting if I'm right in asuming that I going to manually demote all the freeloaders I noticed. 
    How is this even possible? (I did move a few times between providers after 2019, maybe that did something to a database?)




  7. Hi ho,

    I posted yesterday, thought I had it figured out but but alas, I was once again wrong and I need assistence.

    I have several forum's that are redirects to custom made pages. Some member groups have no access to these until they do something or pay a fee. Those pages when accessed without permission present a unhelpful directionless text: 

    Oops! You do not have permission to view this page

    Besides not even properly closing the sentence off with a point (.) which people who use text readers hate, this is highly unhelpful so I wrote my own custom error page but when activated it overrides ALL error pages, and I only need it to cover/show up on my own custom made pages.

    Is there any way to do this or anyway to change this unhelpful standard error page? And I don't mean the custom error page you can find/create in galleries, or the Custom No Permission Error you have under the forums tab.

    Cheers and thanks in advance! 😀

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