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Posts posted by Cyboman

  1. Ok, thanks for the information!

    I'm using IPS 4.2.7, but as mentioned, the problem occured in 10 last IPS releases too. It took a while until I was informed by my mods about that :lol:

    I will try to uninstall/reinstall but I fear, it won't kill away the duplicate language keys, but it might help with the JavaScript!

    Thanks so far!

  2. Hi,

    I have 2 problems with the plugin and kindly ask for support or help.

    1. I have a new theme and unfortunately it doesn't load the local JavaScript, neither with the Javascript Code Location option (A) before </body> nor (B) inside <head>.
      But if I toggle on the option "Load Javascript from Developer Site (Silktide)" it is showing correctly.
      What does this mean to me? Is my local version corrupted? I'm using the latest cookie notice version 3.0.5
      And I would prefer to load the local JavaScript due to many site visits and integrity ;) 
    2. I'm using this plugin since the release days and I did many upgrades.
      As I'm translating all the plugins in a foreign language, I finally got the following problem approx 1 year ago:
      After another update, it created a few duplicate language strings...
      So f.e. now, I have the language key "cookieNotice_dismiss" twice.
      This creates another big problem: I had a former translation from "Got it!" to "OK" but after the duplication, the plugin always selects the NEW translation key, but the NEW translation key isn't translatable anymore, as it doesn't save, because an older translation key already exists.
      Please see the screenshot:


    To say this again to explain the screenshot:

    • key1 above is translated, but it isn't selected for showing, it always shows key2
    • key2 there you can enter a translation, but it doesn't save what you enter there, as key1 translation is already above. I can't change key2! It's always empty content.
    • Result: There is no translation possible! It's always showing the english version only!
    • Solution: I must get rid of 1 of the keys, but nobody could help so far. Please help.
  3. 2 hours ago, ChrisTERiS said:

    The only that I want to "sell" are downloads. eg A global setting 100 points each download, a better case amount of points depending on the category, and with the best option amount of point to be per file. But as I said, even a global setting for all is ok for me.

    As there are paid and free downloads files mixed up, it should have different points options for these. I don't reckon that points for free downloads would support the points idea, as your bandwidth usage would explode directly... :mad: It requires a restriction to award points "only to paid downloads and only once per file".

  4. 13 hours ago, Fosters said:
    17 hours ago, Cyboman said:
    1. I would prefer some basic stuff to be included, f.e. showing the assigned members for an issue as a "4th badge" in the overview listing pages... It would be a lot easier if project managers could see directly to whom issues are assigned to. A 4th badge seems to be a smart solution.
    2. I would separate the 4 badges for "status / item type / priority / assigned to" in a single row, and the issue title in another single row. Only for design and overview reasons.



    Only to avoid misunderstandings: I meant in the project overview... not in an issue details view... not sure if we are talking about the same

    If I click into any project, there is a list with all issues. Same on the projects overview page, where I can select the filter tabs "open items/issues" or "overdue items/issues". There, I suggest to show a 4th badge for "assigned to". And move the issue title with a <br> tag into the next line, so the title text starts aligned left.

    This extends the line height of each issue by 1 line, but the overview and design would be much more beautiful and clearer.

    And project managers could directly see all assignments of a project on a single page.

    In your screenshot above, I can't see any implementation concerning this suggestion yet, but I might be wrong as the issues in your screenshot might not have any assignments ;) But there is also no (optional) linebreak?


  5. On ‎13‎.‎01‎.‎2018 at 9:00 AM, Fosters said:

    What services are you interested to see be included in this app?
    Righ now we're support Bitbucket out of the box and next version will support Github :)

    1. I would prefer some basic stuff to be included, f.e. showing the assigned members for an issue as a "4th badge" in the overview listing pages... It would be a lot easier if project managers could see directly to whom issues are assigned to. A 4th badge seems to be a smart solution.
    2. I would separate the 4 badges for "status / item type / priority / assigned to" in a single row, and the issue title in another single row. Only for design and overview reasons.
  6. In Evo-X Points, we can set a font awesome symbol (as a currency image) to be shown directly before each points value.

    It would be really nice, if the members shop functionality could adopt this, at least in the shop.



    would become

    PURCHASE FOR (#) 30

    And on the top of the shop:

    YOU HAVE (#) 100 POINTS

    I currently don't know how many blank characters are between the symbol and the value (probably 1).

    But anyway, I'd love to see a consistent look, if possible. And this would be a design enhancement, too :) 

  7. Concerning Babble Self Hosted Chat, using the current last updated version:

    My moderators are reporting, that the chatuser online list doesn't update correctly. We have proof in different situations, f.e.

    • indefinitely banned users -> were shown days later in the chat
    • warned and temporarily banned users -> were shown days later in the chat, too
    • even other users, that haven't been in the chat for days

    Whats the problem? Can you please have a look? Thanks.

  8. Requested:

    Archive / unarchive custom notifications.


    If I delete older custom notifications, they are not shown anymore in the members notification history.

    But I don't want to keep them in the long long unstructured list... I'm losing the overview.

    We need 

    • categories (for gathering identical or thematical items)
    • archives (as explained above)
    • scheduling (f.e. send after registration, send after 5 days membership...)


  9. On ‎30‎.‎11‎.‎2017 at 4:47 AM, GrooveOnBeat said:
    On ‎30‎.‎11‎.‎2017 at 1:15 AM, jinnie said:

    Is it possible to add a feature where users can choose which awards to display? Or at least a feature where the admin or moderators can go in and arrange users awards in the way the users want?

    I've asked for this too. Members choice is ideal, for me at least.

    Please? :p

    I've asked for this too :thumbsup:

    • which awards to show at all (users should be able to select which awards should be hidden in the postbit and in the member info hover popup)
    • maximum awards to show in the postbit / member info hover popup as a configurable option
    • sort / order awards in the postbit and in the member info hover popup (no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...)

    Please consider these. Many customers ask for these options. Thanks


  10. I like the idea of 1 simple shop page, it's easy to understand and overview for everybody!

    But would it be of advantage to have an easy categorization option? I think yes!

    What I mean is, that there are different types of items:

    • gamble items
    • function items
    • membership items
    • custom items (maybe custom items #1, custom items #2...)

    If we could put category title separator rows between the items, that could be a helpful feature and help the design to become even more awesome.

    What I mean is like this:

    :) random points   This is the random points text    purchase now 100
    ;) steal points     This is the steal points text    purchase now 10000
    :sorcerer: custom item   This is the custom item text     purchase now 50000

    This would help the overview enormously and look really good!

    Plus: If I can assign items to any category without restriction, and I can (re)order the categorys like I wish them to be, I could create a PREMIUM ITEMS category on the top of the list with the most precious items first! Like topsales or most advertised. I could make a VIP group promotion stand out and be somehow highlighted. It would trigger the interest of my members in the members store even more. Or I could create a NEW category a.s.o. For marketing reasons this would be nice.


    Another design improvement would be if I can select 1, 2 or 3 items and they would be featured in a special highlighted box with colored background on the top. With a very big Font Awesome symbol and BIG, BOLD letters. That would speedup sales very fast. Members love BEST OFFERS.


    One other issue:

    If I award a free custom purchase via the ACP, it is shown in the rewards & logs given by me, Cyboman...

    BUT: Ideally, this should show as being given by a preselected chosen neutral "bot account".


  11. :lol:

    Some additional ideas for new items:

    • Steal points from other members: Like the steal reputation item, but I think stealing points is more suitable and a fair deal
    • Write and publish an announcement: Usually, only admins and mods are able to publish announcements. Maybe, there could be an item for other users to publish an announcement once for a specified time and a specified location (f.e. duration = 1 week, location = only homepage, nowhere else). It should have an option, if the announcement has to be approved or not.
    • Featured Member (of the week) sidebar widget: Members can buy an item, where they will be featured for a specified time in a special "featured member widget". This widget should have a translatable title "featured member" and show:
      # the featured members personal header image
      # the featured members personal profile image/avatar (centered in the middle)
      # the featured members nickname
      # the reputation value of the featured member
      # a custom 3 lines text, 120 chars (like a public twitter message)
      # a custom (internal) link, that can be entered by the featured member (maybe this idea could result in 2 items: one for internal links only, and another item - more expensive - for external links)
      -> if there a multiple members, that buy the "featured member" item during the same timeframe, the widget should randomly select a featured member, that will be selected for display (...if a slider option is too hard to implement)
    • Featured Banner sidebar widget: Just a simple image upload with predefined dimensions (image should be forced to link to an internal page only) that will be displayed for a specified time. This should have a "preview" option for members, that don't understand, what image dimensions are... This item is like a simple advertising option. As an alternative option to the banner, there could be an option to select a background color and place custom formatted text (+ internal link) in front of it. It should have an option, if the banner has to be approved or not.
    • Protection shield item: If you redeem this item, you are protected for a specified time for (multiple selection) these options:
      # If banned, get a second chance to explain to moderators and deduct X warning points automatically
      # If points or reputation is stolen, reverse this operation
      # If lost a huge amount of points, have another chance
      -> you can only use the protection shield, if you purchased it before something bad happened, otherwise bad luck!
      -> as soon as the protection shield is used once (= for 1 operation), it is spent and can't be used another time

    For all existing and new items, I have the following ideas:

    • Honor group permissions: Let us set, who can purchase an item and who can't. If they can't it should respond f.e. "You must have an active VIP membership to purchase this item"
    • Text Color for individual items rows: Let us select, in what color an item is displayed. F.e. I would like to display the "cheaper items" (=FA symbol, item name, item text) in orange, the most expensive items in dark red. Or I could emphasize only the existing VIP group promotion item in another color, so it stands out from the others. As an alternative to the text color, I could also imagine a special "item row background color".
    • Change prices according to purchases counter: admin should be able to select, what items take part in this algorithm. Each item can be toggled on/off for this. The process is as follows: If many member (f.e. 10 or 20 purchases, should be configurable) buy an item in a specified time, let prices become more expensive (f.e. 10%, should be configurable). If they don't, let the price go back to normal.

    ^^ These are only ideas I wanted to document here ;) 

    Damn, I really love your members shop! :wub:

  12. 6 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:
    13 hours ago, Cyboman said:

    Selling Points (evox) in IP.Commerce via members shop module: I detected that if I use evox points system and I create a new product in IP.Commerce to sell points, these points don't save unfortunately. But if I configure "daily points" for example, this works. It would be nice if evox points could also be used with your module.

    they should add the evox points from the packages? double check for me

    I assumed the members shop IP.Commerce integration doesn't work for evox points, as it doesn't save the points in the product on my site...

    After entering the points value in the according field (f.e. '2000' points) in the IP.Commerce product and clicking SAVE, after reopening the product, the field value is 0 again.

    I checked it 5 times ;) 

  13. Congratulations for the latest release! Really, it rocks, it's like masterpiece theatre and I can't get enough of it :sorcerer::drool:

    Sorry if I already come up with new ideas, but you said "always tell me all of your ideas". I really don't want to annoy you... ;) 

    I checked the whole functionality and in this post I try to tell you some more tweaks for future versions and also some minor improvements.

    1. Missing Translations: Most of the language strings are translatable now. Great! I found a few that aren't yet. These ones are:
      # "Send" & "Get started" (in GENERATE PURCHASE IN ACP)
      # "Custom purchases" (ACP TITLE)
    2. Missing Multiple members/Member Groups options in ACP: In "custom purchases" in the ACP, it's possible to generate a purchase for a single member. I would love to see (A) multiple members to insert into the mask at once and (B) an option for member groups. For "item purchases" as well as "item givings". This way, I could realize seasonal givings like "test our new happy new year random points item" and checkout this new awesome members shop!
    3. Individual Popups for items in the shop with a simple WYSIWYG editor to simply insert a header image and formatted text. This way, I could write a longer "description story" for each members shop item. And the members shop wouldn't look overloaded.
    4. Ghost mode: It's a feature about anonymous logins. We've already discussed this in different topics at IPS here, but I have another idea: If I would turn off anonymous login for the whole community, would it be possible to generate a members shop item, that allows a purchaser to choose "anonymous login" though for a specified time, like 1 week / 1 month? Maybe this way it could be realized, if it's not possible to change ones visibility during sessions. I only want to allow anonymous logins for members, who purchased a specified item in the members shop. After an expiration date, this option should be taken away again, so my members have to purchase a new ghost mode item.
    5. Raffle items: This one is an interoperability request: I'd like my members to take part in a specified raffle (for raffles by Adriano Faria) after they purchased an item in members shop. I know, I could already do this via the blank / custom items in members shop and just insert each purchaser there manually, but in terms of interoperability there might be a chance one day to have an automatic process to achieve this? If you have really a lot members, that would make the process quite easier.
    6. More custom items: currently there are 5 but it would be nice to get way more of them. Maybe it might become possible another time to have a "no limits option" for custom items?
    7. Missing selections: In ACP -> ITEMS if I click on "generate purchase" I will be asked "What item?" There I can only select the regular english item mode names, but not my individual custom title names. This is a bit confusing. And I can't choose the "blank/custom items" there at all. And you only get the minor small mystery box for random points. I can't select the medium and large mystery box there, either.
    8. Missing date on Rewards & Logs page / responsiveness: (A) It would be cool, if a date could be added there when an item was redeemed. (B) The responsiveness could be optimized. If I zoom in my browser only a little bit, it already only displays 3 boxes in a row, but it should always display 4 on a big monitor. Please lower the value a bit, when it switches from 4 to 3.
    9. Selling Points (evox) in IP.Commerce via members shop module: I detected that if I use evox points system and I create a new product in IP.Commerce to sell points, these points don't save unfortunately. But if I configure "daily points" for example, this works. It would be nice if evox points could also be used with your module.
    10. Centered item titles in mobile view: Currently they are aligned left, but the item titles should be centered, too.
    11. New item idea: Highlight posts for a specified time. Currently you can configure this on a per group basis in IPS. But it could be a good idea to sell this feature on a per member basis in the members shop, timely restrictred. It's useful, if members want to promote themselves.

    These are my current ideas :) It's better to tell you directly than forgetting about them ;)

    Thanks for all the perfect work so far! I'm very happy with the members shop.

  14. Like it very much so far :) 

    I just checked the mobile view and here are my enhancement suggestions:

    • <center> for the buy buttons (font awesome icons are aligned centered, so should the buttons)
    • titles of the items should be bold, to make them more outstanding. Titles should be centered, too
    • currently the descriptions of the items only have 1 line (desktop + mobile view). In mobile view, this line is shortened. It would be nice if I could write a (longer) story to the items and set a default of 3-5 lines... And maybe use some formatting options like bold
  15. Just upgraded to the latest version and getting this error message:

    SELECT projectmanager_items.*, author.*, last_commenter.*, position as priority FROM `ibf_projectmanager_items` AS `projectmanager_items`  LEFT JOIN `ibf_projectmanager_projects` AS `projectmanager_projects` ON projectmanager_items.item_project_id=projectmanager_projects.id  LEFT JOIN `ibf_core_members` AS `author` ON author.member_id = projectmanager_items.item_author_id  LEFT JOIN `ibf_core_members` AS `last_commenter` ON last_commenter.member_id = projectmanager_items.item_last_comment_mid  LEFT JOIN `ibf_projectmanager_priorities` AS `w` ON w.id=projectmanager_items.item_priority WHERE ( projectmanager_items.item_type_state IN(1,3,23,15,7,18,24,16,25,13,22,26,9,4,19,14,12,10,11,1,3,23,15,7,18,24,16,25,13,22,26,9,4,19,14,12,10,11) ) AND projectmanager_items.item_hidden < 2 AND projectmanager_items.item_hidden!=-2 AND projectmanager_items.item_project_id IN(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) ORDER BY projectmanager_items.item_last_update desc LIMIT 0,25
    IPS\Db\Exception: Column 'position' in field list is ambiguous (1052)
    #0 /home/nginx/domains/xyz.com/public/system/Db/Select.php(378): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IteratorItera...', Array, true)
    #1 /home/nginx/domains/xyz.com/public/system/Db/Select.php(440): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery()
    #2 [internal function]: IPS\Db\_Select->rewind()
    #3 [internal function]: IteratorIterator->rewind()
    #4 /home/nginx/domains/xyz.com/public/applications/projectmanager/sources/Project/Table.php(99): iterator_to_array(Object(IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator))
    #5 /home/nginx/domains/xyz.com/public/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(480): IPS\projectmanager\Project\_Table->getRows(Array)
    #6 /home/nginx/domains/xyz.com/public/system/Theme/Theme.php(824) : eval()'d code(14615): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString()
    #7 /home/nginx/domains/xyz.com/public/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(56): IPS\Theme\class_core_front_global->tabs(Array, 'open', Object(IPS\projectmanager\Project\Table), Object(IPS\Http\Url\Internal))
    #8 /home/nginx/domains/xyz.com/public/applications/projectmanager/modules/front/projects/overview.php(83): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('tabs', Array)
    #9 /home/nginx/domains/xyz.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\projectmanager\modules\front\projects\_overview->manage()
    #10 /home/nginx/domains/xyz.com/public/applications/projectmanager/modules/front/projects/overview.php(60): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #11 /home/nginx/domains/xyz.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\projectmanager\modules\front\projects\_overview->execute()
    #12 /home/nginx/domains/xyz.com/public/index.php(12): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #13 {main}


  16. I noticed there are some used language phrases not translatable.


    - play

    - paper

    - rock

    and a lot more.

    Please add options to translate all language elements.

    And I discovered that some buttons have a cryptic naming, ms_redeem... or similar.


  17. There is a mean bug in the app:

    My (unpermitted) members informed me, that if they open their personal account menu (in the frontend top right) they can view the menu entry "my project items". By clicking on it, the following happens:

    • they can view ALL project issues in the overview page (Tab: open items), luckily at least, they were only able to see the category names and ALL issue titles, not the discussions inside
    • it doesn't honor the category and project permission settings at all !!! I ONLY permitted admins & mods in the category/project settings, but EVERYONE is able to view categories and issue titles, unless you deactivate usergroups on the app permission level
    • This is extremely dangerous if you have secret project issues you are working on
    • On the user profiles, it shows "points" twice (I'm using Evo X Points) and it shifts the stats line (content count, last activity...) below the box (at least if this line is full from left to right)
    • Can your daily points be awarded though I'm using Evo X?
  18. 1. Is it possible to have 2 or 3 different active "Gamble Points" offers at once? I mean can there be multiple instances of a shop item? Or f.e. 2 "usergroup promotion" items for different prices?

    2. When I resync shop items to the database, will all custom descriptions be preserved? So they won't get lost?

  19. Thanks for the nice plugin!

    A small issue: On desktop it's fine, but on mobile/mobile skin (win phone, win 10, ie) it doesn't show the correct snow color. I defined white but it shows as turquoise there.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

  20. My members shop is connected to Evo X Points.

    On the main members shop page, it tells me "You have 0 points" on the top of the "buy list".

    But that's not true. I have 10 points which are correctly shown in the author pane / post bit by the points app.

    What's the problem?

    Another optimization idea: I think the points balance / credits should be shown in both applications in the community header as a badge with coloured background, between the notifications / personal messages / moderation symbols (left) and the logged in member account drop down (right) on every community page. That's an ideal place to show your points status :) This way, the info "you have 0 points" below would be redundant and could be removed for design reasons.


  21. 1 minute ago, TheJackal84 said:

    So basically it will be blank with no custom code just notifications to the admin, then you can manually do what your description says it will do, Like add a post count of 5000, then you will go to the members acp and manually add 5000 and so on?

    Exactly. I only fear that an admin notification could not be enough. We admins get hundreds of notifications and some of them could easily be missed. Therefore I suggested an additional admin email or better an action like "send an additional email for this manual action to xxx". So there would be some limitless flexibility who is processing the action. :thumbsup: But if a specified email action is too much deployment effort, a notification would be great for the beginning.

  22. There should be an "add blanc action item" feature.

    It works like this:

    1. I can create an absolutely custom item (I choose the symbol, I name it, It has a description, It has a price)
    2. As soon as a member buys it, (a) a member, f.e. an admin or a specified group will be notified (notification and/or email) and/or (b) a moderation report could be created and/or (c) a support request is created
    3. Manuel reward of the buyer

    There is a wide range for custom manual requirements that can't be easily implemented, and the member shop should have the option to create such items, multiple items. That would be awesome. (w00t)

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