Member accidently marked as spammer
How do I set it so mods can't do this? Also, if someone wants to post (or PM me a query), I'd love to get this cleaned up. Thanks
Square Wheels started following Custom emoji do not paste , Member accidently marked as spammer , Database issues and 1 other
Member accidently marked as spammer
I have a member, he makes an occasional post that needs to be hidden. Yesterday, a mod seems to have marked him as a spammer and banned him, even though he intended to give him a one day suspension. Now all his posts before that point are hidden as spam. Is there a way to undo that? There are tens of thousands of posts from this person, so manually is not an option. Thanks
Database issues
Thanks, I'm doing a replace query for some of the common ones (I know - don't do that...) :)
Database issues
I have a very old site. The database was created through cPanel, or maybe it was so old that the software created when I installed it, not sure. Either way, my host said it was not created correctly. I was trying to add a user so I could query the database to add things back that are missing from v5 and I could not create a user. I closed the site, downloaded the database, created a new database in cPanel, then imported the data. All seems to be working, it's been about a week, but I notice a lot of odd characters on some of the older posts. For instance, Â posted where there should have been a space. Is there something I can do (a replace query?), or just leave it alone - they're "old" posts anyhow. Part of the issue is, there are almost 2m posts, and people often dig up old ones. Thanks
5.0.4 Wish List
Really? I've seen at least 5 other people report this same issues. We can't seem to remove the existing ones We can't add new ones We can't reorder custom ones We can't past custom ones
5.0.4 Wish List
Any chance emoji are fixed, or is that part of the bigger fix? Asking for a friend (oh wait, I don't have any).
Ugh, I looked everywhere but the bottom left corner. I thought I didn't have access to edit the post any longer. Thanks
Hi, Where is this option in v5.x? Thanks
Upside down pics
Wow, that is fantastic! Thank you so much.
5.0.4 Wish List
Add the online indicator to all view, not just compact.
5.0.4 Wish List
Oops, add this to my list. When we create custom emoji allow them to auto convert like they used to.
5.0.4 Wish List
- 5.0.4 Wish List
Bring back HTML editing Fix Emoji so we can control what we want to display Allow for custom emoji Post emoji in the size we upload Bring back clicking on each forum to Mark as Read Add Mark as Read back to the bottom (far more intuitive) Add the breadcrumb back to the bottom for mobile- Custom emoji do not paste
https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/37038301?key=19ae9e0f7b65472ac931b7fbefef478d- Upside down pics
Thank you, it should be updated now. These are mostly from 5.0.2 https://squarewheelscycling.com/index.php?/topic/192513-upside-down-pics/ These are mostly from 5.0.3 https://squarewheelscycling.com/index.php?/topic/192564-upside-down-pics-again/ As you'll see, people are often not serious on this site. Thank you - 5.0.4 Wish List