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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Sheffielder

  1. Before upgrading to the latest software version whenever anyone used the quote thing on my forums it would shorten it to about two lines and then you could click to see the whole thing Since upgrading it's gone back to just quoting the whole thing meaning you have to scroll all the way through the quote before replying Anyone know how to get it back to shortened quotes?
  2. Yeah that's them I think I'm going to disable strict mode, make the change and then re-enable strict mode Can't think of anything else to do Thank you - spoke to the hosts and they just said it's not a supported thing so I'm on my own - so going to do it anyway!
  3. Thank you - yeah nothing on Google What's frustrating is I'm not techy enough to solve this one, Invision are like 'yeah that's a hosting issue so we can't help' and the hosting are 'Your server's working fine and as it should be, your invision software is the cause of it so speak to them' AGGGGHHHHHHH 🤣
  4. I have two Invision forums and the issue I'm going to mention is the same on both forums So I went into my AdminCP the other day to check out the new 'site health dashboard of the latest version (which is excellent I might add!) In AdminCP I have no critical issues showing but I do have a few showing as 'important issues' so I thought I'd remedy and sort that So the first one I wanted to sort was the important issue showing in the 'database' section where it says to me that I have 'non-InnoDB tables' I then go to my hosting server CPanel and into PHPMyAdmin, then into my database, then one by one I find the tables that were MyISAM, clicked 'operations', and changed the storage engine to InnoDB Everything went perfectly well and all tables changed easily to InnoDB until that is I tried to do this with the ibf_core_sessions table. Every single time I try to change to to InnoDB it gives me the error Then.. If I click the 'details' link I get this.. Invision say they can't help as it's not an issue with the software but with the hosting My hosting says I need to speak to Invision as it looks like an upgrade or something could have failed and broken the structure of the site So I'm stuck I'm stuck in the middle unable to change the one table from MyISAM to InnoDB What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?
  5. No way would Facebook (or any other proper company) ask for your credentials in an email
  6. Thanks! Do I need mod_security enabled for anything else or is it not required for the forums?
  7. I can change all other tables from MyISAM to InnoDB but when I try to do it with the Ibf_core_sessions table it gives me the following error:
  8. Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
  9. Thank you so much! I couldn't work out for the life of me how to do it or where to go to do it! Why on earth can't invision put that renewal thing in the ACP where the app actually is!
  10. Hey @stoo2000, I'm totally stuck right now I am trying to upgrade to the latest version but it just keeps saying 'something is wrong' I have no idea if my purchase is current and still working either - it could be that - could you help?
  11. Yeah I think something is server side writing it like you say Not sure how to spot it though The actual forum is fine - so must be a file on the server
  12. So when you go to google.com and type in your website name (e.g. 'travelfforums') and the results come up, instead of it saying 'travelforums.co.uk and then 'travel forums for discussing all things travel in the Uk and beyond' it says 'travelforums.co.uk and then 'ED is not something that may last forever for men living in Malaysia. Just order kamagra malaysia - generic sildenafil citrate for cheap price and obtain awesome pills'
  13. I go onto Google, type my website name in and the search result shows my meta description has been taken over by spammers (I'd recommend everyone to check for the same thing) Any idea how I can get it back to the description of my site and not an advert for pills?
  14. Hmmmm I don't have that Just checking my Admin CP I can't spot the setting either
  15. This is my biggest bugbear with recent invision releases There used to be a tick box and a 'select all' option You could just click 'select all' then 'delete' It saved hours of admin team time
  16. I can't find out how to see users previous usernames after they've changed it - can anyone point me to where I can find this?
  17. Would that mean I'd not be able to use Redis again in the future? I've updated to the latest invision version now but can't update to the latest PHP version I go in to change the PHP version and the site goes down completely (even admin section) with this: An error occurred (500 Error) We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now. You can try again by clicking the button below, or try again later. Try again
  18. So I've upgraded to the latest version but now can't change the PHP version as it throws up the same exact error
  19. So here's my issue If I do a system check before doing the upgrade it comes back with this: MySQL Requirements MySQL version 5.5.5-10.3.27-MariaDB. Recommendations You are running PHP version 7.2.34. While this version is compatible, future releases of our software will require version 7.3.0 or above When I try upgrading the PHP version everything crashes with a Redis error [18-Jan-2021 11:50:25 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught BadMethodCallException in /home/website/public_html/forums/system/Redis/Redis.php:120 Stack trace: #0 /home/website/public_html/forums/system/Data/Store/Redis.php(50): IPS\_Redis->connection('write') #1 /home/website/public_html/forums/system/Data/Store.php(42): IPS\Data\Store\_Redis->__construct(Array) #2 /home/website/public_html/forums/system/Settings/Settings.php(176): IPS\Data\_Store::i() #3 /home/website/public_html/forums/system/Settings/Settings.php(132): IPS\_Settings->loadFromDb() #4 /home/website/public_html/forums/system/Request/Request.php(291): IPS\_Settings->__get('xforward_matchi...') #5 /home/website/public_html/forums/system/Member/Member.php(271): IPS\_Request->ipAddress() #6 /home/website/public_html/forums/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(311): IPS\_Member->setDefaultValues() #7 /home/website/public_html/forums/system/Session/Front.php(149): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->__construct() #8 [internal function]: IPS\Session\_Front->read('4d58cd4d1a7ed68...') #9 /home/website/ in /home/website/public_html/forums/system/Redis/Redis.php on line 120 Anyone know how I can fix this issue? 👍
  20. I'd really like to do this Is that at Paypal end or the sites?
  21. Hi, My subscribers want to set up recurring payments for Paypal to subscribe to my site as they don't want the hassle of renewing every month etc Is there a way to do this?
  22. Thank you so much - I did try searching but obviously not well enough!
  23. I've recently put in place Subscriptions for the first time but after a free months trial nobody is receiving any kind of PM or email to say that their trial is up and any message to them on how to pay to keep the subscription going?
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