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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by loccom

  1. Would Almalinux 9 be compatible with invision?? Just checking as about to migrate across. thanks
  2. I found it Edit Forum // Edit Display Settings // Enable Solved thanks
  3. Hi Daniel I am having issues finding this on our self-hosted version... latest version installed
  4. ahh yes, thanks Daniel.. i did recall this a while back thinking this would be a solution but forgot about it. I will enable this. thanks
  5. We have a spate of one time posters posting a question, viewing the answer then disappearing and some of the team are getting annoyed by this (rightfully so) A colleague and I have been talking about this for years and I was wondering if anyone had every some a plugin / app to email topic authors to respond to answers to their posts with at least a Thanks? (typically british don't you know lol) Does anyone have a solution how to get round this? how to encourage them in an automated sense? Cheers
  6. A while back i was talking to a guy who uses the darkweb and buys account access to brands like Costa, Starbucks,netflix etc. They buy access to the account and take advantage of the points. For instance the account could have 5 free coffee's and they sell the account for £3.. 5 coffees for £3 is a good deal. Same situation kind of. They will sell lists of accounts which is probably come from a combination of user browser history and their email and the user using the same password everywhere. They probably use a tool to verify this data and make a nice tasty list to sell.
  7. i gave fiddled witht he prefork a couple of times carefully.. may give it another go as our server is pretty big should be able to handle quite a bit. Cleantalk we have banned out certain countreis from registering, that worked a treat and now get very little RU and CN if any. But need to ban them out from the server completely. Will have a go this afternoon and see how it goes.
  8. ok bud.. i seem to have too many ip's and read they piggy back many networks including amazon aws. so its tricky. having 15 forums you can imagine they are everywhere, so need a proper solution. I have banned off ahref bot as well.. they are really bad for me. Just researching CleanTalk app which plugs in to the communties, noticed they have a firewall solution so may look in to that
  9. @dutchsnowden Hey bud, how did you get rid of the bytedance in the end?.. finding it hard to get rid of and causing me no end of problems. thanks
  10. thanks adriano.. amazing never knew that exsisted
  11. Hi Is it possible to block profile pages been seen by non members? Need to be logged in to view? thanks
  12. We use sendgrid and it's great. Much more reliable than phpmail or smtp. most notificatons arrive using sendgrid.
  13. I am also stumped why the marketplace or at least a directory of available plugins and apps is no longer available. Not like the older days when it was easy to find a solution to certain things within minutes. wish you luck in the future Martin!
  14. thats an interesting point, I will look in to this.
  15. Hi Nathan.. this looks great, can the text in the blue boxes be modified? Say "Please register or log in to view images"?
  16. Ability a toggle to hide all images from a particular group to guests and spiders/bots and replaced with a default image. Some images that can be taken from the net can be uploaded by members not knowing that some are copyrighted and it seems there are a few unscrupulous companies out there that look for particular copyrighted images then send small businesses or innocent website owners an invoice for usage, and are very persistant and some nasty. Can range from £50 to £10,000. These companies send lot's are legal worded letters and threats and can affect some website owners who are vulnerable. At least then google wont spider images so these companies cannot track them back. We recently got hit on one small image that has caused lot's of problems even though it was removed instantly. I am also seeing reports of spammers using images and the website owner is totally unaware, but still invoice for 1000's according to reviews on trustpilot. Please consider this option please.
  17. Qustion for the IPS team, can you tell me if Clubs are here to stay? we are considering setting up a community that will use clubs a lot. so I want to make sure that it's not going to be discontinued in 6 months time?
  18. Hi Marc.. thought not.. did try looking. This would be a good feature, not only to drive more registrations but to protect website owners. I have seen a guy get a 10K invoice before. Knowing that anyone can upload images that could be copyrighted (i.e pictures from the news websites) it's going to get worse going forward with these companies. I recently got an invoice which i am not even going to pay (tougher skinned) but the letters though our door are intimidating to the vulnerable. Please look in to it and consider it.
  19. Hi Dos anyone know if it is possible within the software or a plugin that will hide all images uploaded by members from guests? Also was hoping whether a dummy image stating website visitors need to register to see images. Some images that can be taken from the net can be uploaded by members not knowing that some are copyrighted and it seems there are a few unscrupulous companies out there that look for particular copyrighted images then send small businesses or innocent website owners an invoice for usage, and are very persistant and some nasty. Can range from £50 to £10,000. At least then google wont spider images so these companies cannot track them back. We recently got hit on one small image that has caused lot's of problems even though it was removed instantly. I am also seeing reports of spammers using images and the website owner is totally unaware, but still invoice for 1000's. So, looking for a way to protect ourselves.
  20. Hi Guys I understand that the Physical Product element is going to be deprecated. I am wondering if this leaves us in a pickle. We switched from Physical product memberships to subscriptions a number of years ago. In this subscription we take their address information to send a few things as part of the membership. Will taking address details still remain active in the subscription element? Can we still ask for address as normal? Is there any more detailed information on this deprecation please? otherwise we will never be able to do upgrades as a major part of our forum is membership and we need to collect addresses. Thanks
  21. good advice on the SEO Jim, thanks
  22. cheers marc Do you know if this would be bad for SEO by having them closed??
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