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Artefaqs Corporation

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  1. Thirded. I'm surprised this isn't already in there. As much as I like the extra ad revenue from people clicking back to the forum to unsubscribe, I'd rather not annoy people. Also, one would think that an unsubscribe link would be required under the CANSPAM act. But I'm not a lawyer.
  2. You also have analogical issues, and flatter yourself to compare the complexity of a BBS like Invision with an operating system like Windows. Regardless, I'm sorry if I came off as brusque. The only times I ever visit this forum is when something has gone horribly wrong with my forum, so I tend to be a little cranky by the time I'm surfing around this forum trying to find solutions to my issues. My latest fiasco is when I upgraded from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 today and now my users can't post messages without getting error alerts, the menus don't work right, and parts of the ACP are disabled (see as-yet-unanswered tickets 596738 and 596753) so I'm a little grouchy. Especially when I suspect it's some kind of javascript issue, but your software prohibits searching for the word "javascript." Glad I don't run a developers' forum.
  3. Mac OS X 10.5.9 Snow Leopard uses FEWER resources than Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard. Ditto for a couple of other version of the operating system. I don't think telling your customers that "Windows is fat and bloated, so we can be, too" is exactly what they want to hear. "It's how computers and software work" is not entirely true. Look at how Firefox, Safari, Opera, and other pieces of software get faster, smaller, or both with each iteration. Even Windows7 is supposed to be less of a pig than Vista. There goes your Microsoft alibi.
  4. The new Lo-fi version of IPB is much better than the old one. It's great that we can now log in and post messages. But since we can log in, it makes sense that there should be a way to view new posts as well so we can catch up on things directly instead of browsing through the whole forum.
  5. So, is it safe to upgrade to this version? In another thread I was told that I was a fool for upgrading from 2.3.6 to 3.0.0 because all software has bugs in it and always will and that will never change and bugs are a fact of life. So, is 3.0.1 the safe version to upgrade to, or should I wait for 3.0.2, or 3.0.3? Any idea when those will be out? /sarcasm
  6. In 2.3.6, it was possible to view a user's profile through a link in the Manage Members section of the ACP. It would open in a new window so you could look at the member's most recent posts and topics. This was useful for helping determine if new users were spammers or not. This functionality has been removed in 3.0.0. Now in order to view a member's posts and topics one has to open another browser window in the regular forum and do a second search. It would be nice to either have a tab added that shows the recent posts/topics, or a link which allows such a search from the ACP.
  7. Pop-up calenders already exist in the advanced fields of the search mechanism. It would be nice if they existed in the ACP as well, and when creating a new calendar event, and other places in IPB that require date input.
  8. My users have suggested that the search system have the ability to sort by, or at least display, the rating of the topic or threads returned by the search. Ditto for the reputation and rating of the users returned in a member search.
  9. My users would like the following things: Facebook/About Me status displayed under their avatars. From an admin's standpoint it would be nice to have this truncated to an admin-defined number of letters. User reputation displayed under their avatars. Along the same lines, it would be nice if admins could turn on and off what items are displayed in the user info box as a set of user-friendly switches in the ACP instead of having to much around in potentially dangerous skin files.
  10. Ah. I see it now. It was disabled because I had the feature to allow my users to choose their own skins disabled. Hmm.... Now to find a way to stop my users from choosing their own skins, but to also view the mobile site...
  11. There should be a button which allows people who are currently viewing the lo-fi version of the forum to switch back to the regular, full, version.
  12. If we're going to go with "today's standards" instead of what the site owner wants, why doesn't IPB just offer the option of having both? The way Wikipedia does. The text link opens in the same window, but is followed by a small icon that gives someone the option of opening the link in a new window. That's really what "today's standard" is, because not every device used to surf the internet has a right mouse button, let alone a middle button. Or, indeed, any buttons at all.
  13. I suggest adding Android detection to the User Agent settings area so that people browsing on Google phones can be shunted to the lo-fi version the same as iPhone and iPod Touch people.
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