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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by DawPi

  1. I'll check what I can do in the next couple of days. ? I must take a break for a few days (wedding, yay! ? )
  2. Works on 4.3 too.
  3. What's New in Version 1.0.6 changed parsing code a little, added blockquotes block parsing due to break member names in some situations, started using cache system to avoid too many resources usage. It would help to increase of the speed of the board.
  4. What's New in Version 1.0.5 changed parse order. Right now the longest phrazes would be parsed first. For example two phrazes "google" and "google analytics" will be parsed from longer - "google analytics" first (if occured) and then only "google". changed anchor if no title is provided. For example, users could type the word as "Ferrari" or "ferrari" or "FERRARI", among others. For example, if they enter "FERRARI", the plugin will display it as "FERRARI". But if they enter it as "FeRRaRi", the plugin will display it as "FeRRaRi".
  5. This plugin will be re-checked after 4.3 release.
  6. To check it I need access to your board.
  7. I can't without check your board. Maybe other mod is in conflict with this.
  8. Which ads? May I get your acp&ftp details?
  9. What exactly doesn't work? Works fine: And movie: 2018-01-30_10-50-39.mp4
  10. With to this plugin you can limit the number of posts displayed in the topic view for guests. This plugin will also hide the posts on topic hover on the forum view. Clubs are supported too.
  11. This modification allows to change group of search bots from guests to another. It's do not affect logged in members (even if they change the useragent with a switcher or anything else). Works only for a guests recognized as a spider crawlers.
  12. Nope. Its a „copy” of a acp functionality. Ill think about it in future releases.
  13. With this mod you can allow your members to view moderators logs on the front page. Various options: enable/disable, choose groups which will be able to see the logs, optional allow moderators access even if they won't in the allowed groups, live sorting, live searching.
  14. What's New in Version 1.0.2 - new option to add/remove in both ways. For example if user A want to follow user B and the user B will approve request from user A then also user B will start follow the user A.
  15. What's New in Version 1.0.4 Fixed bug related to parsing one word in post. Tweaks and optimization.
  16. What's New in Version 1.0.1 Added support for parsing blogs and albums titles and descriptions
  17. INFO: Commerce will generate a licence key upon a purchase whereas Single Use License Keys app can pre-generate a key "ready to use" either with or without a sale item. DETAIL: A new product (or editing an existing one) via Commerce app and choose to use the Single Use License Keys licence method. The next step is to view the Single Use License Keys application itself and select 'Import Keys' and the product. You then add the keys (copy/paste recommended) and click to complete. Single Use License Keys will then adjust the stock levels to ensure that a client cannot purchase the product if there are no licence keys available for it. BRIEF: The overview page in the Single Use License Keys application will let you see the total number of keys that have been already issued and any remaining (free) keys. You can also from this page choose a product and examine its key status too.
  18. As a custom work, perhaps.
  19. Maybe I would know (need to check) but this question isn't related in any way to this mod.
  20. Block from Pages app?
  21. Its a google search engine on the board. Nothing more nothing less.
  22. This app displaying info in the forum view. Please check the screenshots.
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