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Custom Automatic Badges

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Hey Invision Team --

Is there a way I can create new badges for users that are automatic? E.g. "Congratulations, your blog just earned 100, 1k, 10k views" or "Congratulations, you just reached 10 followers" or "We miss you -- it's been 7 days since you logged in" etc? I can see manual ones but I'm probably missing something? 

Also is there a comprehensive list of all default notifications a user might get from the system in terms of badges, points, etc? 



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@Marc @teraßyte -- Thanks. Super helpful! 

I would love to be able to create an achievement rule based on the # of views that a user's blog and their blog entries has produced. I could also see it being based on all their content -- e.g. posts in a forum etc. 

For example, if they've produced blog entries that have earned 1,000 views, that would be cool to recognize them for via a badge. And/or it would be nice to email them about it so they feel like they're winning and thus produce more content. 

I'm fairly sure this isn't possible. Is it? 


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2 hours ago, Eric Mattson1 said:

@teraßyte Are custom modifications something that only the Invision internal team can do on the hosted version of Invision Community?

Hi @Eric Mattson1,

More of the opposite. The Invision Community Team do not assist with modifying or customising the software or communities for clients regardless if it's on their Cloud or a Classic installation.

You would need to engage a provider to have this done for you. You can find a full list of providers on the Providers Directory, otherwise the next best thing would be posting up a topic in the Design and Customization forum to see if someone can help you out.

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Some thoughts:

Start by tweaking and modifying and customizing your own badges using the available system.  Once you've gotten comfortable and you've robustly optimized the achievement and badge system, then you can look into custom modifications.  

Be aware that views can be highly skewed for a variety of reasons.  I often get hit with bots (hello AI bots that are shamelessly scraping my content!) that spike my content views, whereas reputation and likes can often be a truer representation of actual user engagement.  

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