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Titles of clubs on another language

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1 hour ago, Milly Mikkelsen said:

Is it possible to have an alternative language for a name of a club, so one in English and the other in French. My guess that its just a label as I don't see any string to change for this.

Titles of clubs are (or can be) user generated.  As a result, this is not possible.  (It would be the same reason why each post made by a user could not be translated automatically.)

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9 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

This is not something possible within the platform at present unfortunately.

Is it on the roadmap? We also need support for fully-multilingual content (titles, content items, etc.). We requested this a long time ago in the previous decade, but there have been no significant improvements in internationalization/localization since then, which is super sad for multilingual community owners 🥲

If IPS have any plans to improve internationalization/localization features, please let me know. I can provide highly detailed information on what is needed in our case.

Edited by 13.
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This is not something in the IPB 5 alpha so far.  So I would not expect it in 5.0.0 when it's eventually released.  While it does not exist today, that does not mean it won't be considered later, thus Marc's "currently" comment.  

IPS generally does not talk about its roadmap until it's very close to finished.  So I would not expect them to comment about it now or anytime really soon.  They're going to be heads down focused on getting 5.0 out the door.  The best suggestion for now would be to make a request in the feedback forum.  

Edited by Randy Calvert
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I don't imagine it will be coming. It wasn't possible from early in the life of IC4 because, as far as I remember, it opened up the risk of XSS attacks, and so translated content can only be created in the Admin Control Panel. Since Clubs are named on the front end, there isn't a translatable field as an option.

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