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How to restrict moderators from managing clubs?

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Is there a setting to restrict moderators from managing clubs?

Especially the destructive menu items under the Manage Club dropdown button like Edit Club Settings, Delete Forum, etc.

I've created a restricted Moderators group but cannot find a related setting to restrict these permissions.

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19 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

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The switch looked like having to do with moderation and not management.

Will the mod still be able to moderate content in clubs with this switch turned off?

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1 hour ago, WebCMS said:

Will the mod still be able to moderate content in clubs with this switch turned off?

I'm not 100% confident in this, so someone may want to correct me 😉

I believe that if you turn this off then moderators can still moderate content in clubs that they can access.

In other words, 'access' becomes the normal user type of access for the type of club, but once the moderator can access the club then they can moderate the content.

Specifically, if you have a private (invisible) club or a club that you must join in order to see content then that content would be invisible to a moderator unless they also join the club.

In order to make this work you would have to ensure that all moderators were invited to all clubs and that the moderators actually joined the clubs. You would have to take sanctions against any club leaders who threw the moderators out. Alternatively, you would need to create a plugin or application to scan all moderators daily and join them back into clubs if they get thrown out (or if they have never joined).

When you turn the switch on then what it does is gives moderators access to private/hidden clubs even if the moderators are not members.


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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

It would remove all their permission to do things in clubs. There isn't really any way around that.

So there is no way to let moderators moderate club content without giving them management access? Why doesn't it work as expected similar to forums? And admin is the only one who can moderate clubs this way?

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26 minutes ago, WebCMS said:

So there is no way to let moderators moderate club content without giving them management access? Why doesn't it work as expected similar to forums? And admin is the only one who can moderate clubs this way?

Moderation is management of the front end of your site. Administration is management from the back end of your site. From your description there, it works exactly as forums do. Clubs are a front end item, that are created by members (including managing that club). Moderators can manage that front end content if they are given the permission. In the same way, forums are created in the back end and created by administrators. Other administrators can manage them, provided they are given the permission.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/29/2024 at 10:11 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

Moderation is management of the front end of your site. Administration is management from the back end of your site. From your description there, it works exactly as forums do. Clubs are a front end item, that are created by members (including managing that club). Moderators can manage that front end content if they are given the permission. In the same way, forums are created in the back end and created by administrators. Other administrators can manage them, provided they are given the permission.

I can understand users who created clubs can have management privileges. But moderators who did not create the clubs, will they still have front-end management privileges like "Delete This Forum" after turning off "Has leader privileges in all clubs" switch?

The label for the switch is a bit ambiguous and may need some hints on what it precisely does.

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