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3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Há muita coisa mostrada nessa página. Existe algo específico que você não consegue encontrar? 

Hello, I just found the dynamic block page, but I saw that only moderators can do this, it's a grotesque failure, because as an administrator I can't create dynamic blocks on a page?
Another question, how and where will I post my content?

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4 hours ago, Roberto Oliveira1 said:

Hello, I just found the dynamic block page, but I saw that only moderators can do this, it's a grotesque failure, because as an administrator I can't create dynamic blocks on a page?

You would simply give your administrator account permission to do so. You're thinking Admin and Moderator as roles rather than governing permission sets. Administrator permissions are in the ACP and Moderator permissions are in the front-end.

4 hours ago, Roberto Oliveira1 said:

Another question, how and where will I post my content?

What content? Forum topics? Pages records? etc...

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21 hours ago, Jim M said:

Você simplesmente daria permissão à sua conta de administrador para fazer isso. Você está pensando em Administrador e Moderador como funções, em vez de governar conjuntos de permissões. As permissões de administrador estão no ACP e as permissões de moderador estão no front-end.

Qual conteúdo? Tópicos do fórum? Registros de páginas? etc...

Come on, it's all confusing, I can't understand the dynamics of the site very well, for example: How do I send content to a page?
A tip would be this website, (https://steamverde.net/) I want to do exactly as he did, how do I post wherever I want, could you be patient and tell me all the details?

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5 minutes ago, Roberto Oliveira1 said:

Come on, it's all confusing, I can't understand the dynamics of the site very well, for example: How do I send content to a page?
A tip would be this website, (https://steamverde.net/) I want to do exactly as he did, how do I post wherever I want, could you be patient and tell me all the details?

Let's take a step back here. We are trying to help but being provided "post content" is extremely vague in our software. We understand it may be confusing to a new user and want to help but in order to so, we need you to help us and describe what you want to do 🙂 .

Pointing us to that website is rather vague still as there is a ton of content there. Are you wanting to do the "blocks" they have like "Top Downloads" on the right-hand side? Are you wanting to create the forums they have? What exactly are you wanting to do here? If you want to point to something particular on their website either by title or screenshot, we can certainly instruct you on how to do it.


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1 hour ago, Jim M said:

Vamos dar um passo atrás aqui. Estamos tentando ajudar, mas receber "conteúdo de postagem" é extremamente vago em nosso software. Entendemos que pode ser confuso para um novo usuário e queremos ajudar, mas para isso precisamos que você nos ajude e descreva o que deseja fazer 🙂  .

Apontar-nos para esse site ainda é bastante vago, pois há muito conteúdo lá. Você quer fazer os "blocos" que eles têm como "Top Downloads" no lado direito? Você está querendo criar os fóruns que eles têm? O que exatamente você quer fazer aqui? Se você quiser apontar algo específico em seu site, seja por título ou captura de tela, certamente podemos instruí-lo sobre como fazê-lo.


Okay, first, how do you build a slide on the home screen like he did?

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Just now, Roberto Oliveira1 said:

Okay, first, how do you build a slide on the home screen like he did?

That looks to be a customization which they installed as this is not something in the core software. You would need to ask them what they used.

We do have an Image Slider block which is a part of our Pages application but it does not look like that. The block is called "Page Builder: Upload Images" and then you would enable "Autoplay slideshow?" 
To use the Block Manager to drag/drop blocks places, please see this guide: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/getting-started/using-the-block-manager-r309/


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