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Pageview data from Lookerstudio vs what I see on my account page

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The pageview data I get from GA4 is very different from the data I see on my account page here at invisioncommunity.com.

Any idea why such a large delta? Am I just looking it wrong? I would love to find out the IPS data is better as it shows about 5x more views that GA4. 🤷‍♂️

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Keep in mind that what Google tracks and the data our Cloud tracks are two separate metrics so will indeed be different numbers.

Our Cloud reports every type of interaction which your community receives with some caveats, like cached pages in our CDN. Google Analytics aims to only track real users so it will remove things like automated sources, their own crawlers, sources you tell it to ignore, etc...

Our Cloud is going to track anything which counts towards your usage of your plan. Whereas, Google Analytics whole idea is to provide you an indication of real, human traffic to use for analytical means.

This is very akin to on self-hosted server counting specific pages in an access log VS Google Analytics, the two are going to be widely different because their goals are different.

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