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How to automate welcome email to specific user group


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I want to send automated welcome emails which are to a specific user group, e.g. paid users who have purchased a subscription, with their user ID. 

I can't find any nice way to do this.

  • Bulk email - would be a good option but can't schedule to run daily, and is not reliable due to running as a background task 
  • Alerts - this could work, but you can't use tags in content so I can't add the user ID
  • Auto Welcome plugin - this is great but can't specify a specific group
  • Language strings - can't change “email_reg_complete" as can't specify specific group and is very rudimentary

Is there any other way or plugin you know of I can use?


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No, I can't think of any other modification that can do this. Are you using Commerce Subscriptions or Products for the paid option?

  • If you are using Products, in ACP you can setup a custom email that is sent after a member purchases the product (WYSIWYG editor, HTML with default email wrapper, HTML with no wrapper).
  • If you are using Subscriptions, the only option would be custom modification.
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Subscriptions are basically a "watered down" version of products with very few options. Sending out an email after a purchase is not included by default, unfortunately. 🤷‍♂️

Maybe something will change with the coming v5.

Edited by teraßyte
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I want a custom solution, where whenever a user is creating a topic, or replying a topic, I want to send a default message in invision community message system. That message will say something like "Thanks for creating a Post / Replying a post". 

Can I do this using default email & notifications ?


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