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Preventing "Next Page" in posts (see content)


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Preventing pages in posts

How did this happen

This is a header



Invision community,

A member did this on my forum today.  I cannot replicate it except copying and pasting, and I would like to prevent them from doing it in the future.

Reading this post will be evident on what happened.

I'm attaching a picture of what it looks like in the editor before submitting.


Please help.



Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage


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The actual screenshot is on the "4th" page, the question is on the 3rd.  This is really confusing.

I thought it was the horizontal rulers that was causing it, but when I edited the post that the person on my forum created to remove those lines, it didn't change to a normal post.

(posting this as a response, since editing it will just result in my message being on a 4th or 5th page)

I couldn't find any reference to this in invision community's documentation or mentioned anywhere else.

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It’s from an editor button called “Page”. I don’t see it in your screenshot above, but you could check the permissions to make sure it’s not active for other user groups. 

If you don’t use that button, do you have bb code still enabled? It this case, you want to turn that off. 

Could contain: Lighting, Nature, Night, Outdoors, Astronomy, Moon

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