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Someone wants to sign up but they don't see the hcaptcha checkbox?

David N.

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Here's what I received from someone who would like to sign up to our forum: 


 I would like to join your forum. However, when I fill in my details in the "Sign-up" window, there is nothing to enter in the field entitled "Security Check". Please can you help?

Any idea what is going on, and what I should do? I've asked them what browser they're using and if they could send a screenshot. 

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I would also have them test with a different browser and then a different device. For example if it happens only on Safari but not Chrome, it’s something in their browser. 

If it happens on all browsers on the device, but works from a different device (such as a cell phone), it’s something installed on the device (malware, some sort of VPN or something else local to the machine).

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