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Open-in-New-Tab Links in Pages App Widgets


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Putting this here as a suggestion.
It'd be really nice if links working inside the Pages App widgets (either links inside WYSIWYG blocks, Upload Image blocks, etc.) had the option to open in a new tab. That seems like a pretty basic option that would make life so much easier. Perhaps this could be a feature in coming versions/updates?

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  1. Go to Pages -> (Page Management) Blocks in your ACP
  2. Click 'Create New Block'
  3. Select 'Page Builder: Upload Images'
  4. Click 'Next'
  5. Fill out whatever you want on the 'Details' tab (only really needs a name)
  6. On the Content tab, do the following:
    •  Change the 'Use this template as-is' entry to 'Use as a base for a custom template'
    • Change this:
    • <a href="{$urls[0]}">
    • To this:
    • <a target="_blank" href="{$urls[0]}">
  7. Click 'Save'
  8. On the front-end, drag that block in place and fill your boots.
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