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Tried upgrading - Broke everything! Please help

Go to solution Solved by JTrollerb123,

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Hi, I'm way overdue in upgrading my site. Trying to upgrade from v 4 to the latest.  Tried to do it on my own from my ACP but received the error message "There was an error downloading the files to your server. Please download the update and upload the files to your server, or contact us for assistance."  I then tried downloading the zip install package but running into error "you attempted to upload a folder" from within my cpanel file manager.  The frontend of my site is now giving a site inaccessible due to upgrade message and my site admin panel pages are now giving a page not found error.

Don't know where to start / what to do next.

Can someone help please?  My ACP login details are in my Client Area. 

Thank you!

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I suspect you are also on PHP 7 there, so its very unlikely you are going to be able to run from the adminCP. As mentioned, you would need to upgrade manually. Essentially you would be doing the following from your current version

  1. Backup everything. 
  2. Check your 3rd party items are compatible with the latest release. If they are not, you would need to update or remove
  3. Ensure you site is running PHP 8 (that will render your site broken, as your current version isnt compatible. Dont worry it will be back online once you have upgraded)
  4. Upload a fresh set of files from your client area
  5. Run the upgrader from /admin/upgrade
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6 hours ago, JTrollerb123 said:

Trying to upgrade from v 4 to the latest.

From what version precisely?

6 hours ago, JTrollerb123 said:

I then tried downloading the zip install package but running into error "you attempted to upload a folder" from within my cpanel file manager.  

It would be better imo to upload the files through a Ftp client rather than the File Manager. Make sure that you overwrite your forum files with the latest ones and then to run the upgrader afterwards as adviced above.

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4 hours ago, JTrollerb123 said:

Thank you for the replies.  I've been in touch with my webhost regularly for about the last 24 hours and apparently the server is experiencing some sort of [waiting details] issue - They're working on restoring a backup and when I have details I'll update you.

No problem at all. I hope you manage to get things sorted

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While my webhost continues to research the resource issue on my server, they've pointed out the following error, seen in the /public_html/error_log location in the meantime:

"[17-Aug-2023 03:30:32 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Declaration of IPS\core\modules\front\system\referrals_hook_register::buildRegistrationForm() must be compatible with IPS\core\modules\front\system\_register::buildRegistrationForm($postBeforeRegister = null) in /home/dbname/public_html/init.php(820) : eval()'d code on line 12"

Any suggestion/insight into what this means?

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On 8/20/2023 at 4:49 AM, JTrollerb123 said:

Webhost finally solved server resources issue.  I manually uploaded ALL of the latest versions files into the same location and ran the upgrader without any issue. No further assistance needed at this time.  THANK YOU for your quick replies.  Until next time 😃


Glad to hear you are now updated successfully 🙂 

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