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Is there an issue with Safari?

Owlsonline Admin

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Just wondered if there's an issue with the current version of Safari and the sites? 

On my site, from time to time, on Safari on my Macbook the page locks up and then I get a message about the page taking too long to load and I have to reload the page. It happens mainly when I put up any pics. It's not a major issue, just a niggle. Wondered if it's just my end or it's something that has been happening to others?

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I have great disdain for Safari. lol

We recently implemented some dynamic dropdowns which utilize jquery to populate the fields via ajax calls to a php script.  For whatever reason, they work perfectly on windows, linux, and android using a variety of browsers, and even with iPad and iPhone, but NOT with the latest version of Safari for iMac and Macbook.  I'm sure I'll figure it out, but it just goes to show Apple implements things quite differently from everyone else (even themselves! lol)

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