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Lightbox not showing thumbnails | ipsImage IpsImage_thumbnail

Go to solution Solved by wegorz23,

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I have some problem on ips lightbox or attachments images.

Its not showing at all on page on every field that is added as editor data.

Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage


The problem i just match and solve at first after update to 4.7.11 was to upload old files to javascript_global


Could contain: File, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Text, Monitor, Screen, Chart, Plot

The structure of DOM html is fine and looks like normal but script root_library is crashing. 

Could contain: Page, Text


Is anyone have some problems like me ? 

I just upload old files to that folder and its solved the problem but on next update i need to fix that problem if script changed.






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10 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Have you texted this on 4.7.12? I notice you mention 4.7.11 there

i just upgrade to 4.7.12 on my test site and not seen that problem. Im asking for that before upgrade to my production site. 

U think it is fixed on 4.7.12 ?


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16 hours ago, Stuart Silvester said:

I don't think there's any specific issue here that would or would not be fixed in .12, you could try going to AdminCP > Support and clicking 'Clear Caches'. That might solve the problem for you.

it just getting worst after that.

It can delete all of that files and not get it backup again. 

I try many times chmod -R ... and other stuff 

its just random once it come back and working fine and once not.

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i commented and site came back 

 if (!allowOptional && ips.getSetting('essential_cookies').indexOf(cookieKey) === -1) { return; }


if (!allowOptional && ips.getSetting('essential_cookies') != undefined && ips.getSetting('essential_cookies').indexOf(cookieKey) === -1) { return; }
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Just now, Stuart Silvester said:

Your customised theme is out of date, you'll need to check any modified templates for changes (as the upgrader asks you to). In this case it's the includeJS template that has changed.

its javascript_global it upgrade like always on every update it happend after update to 4.7.12 and was on 4.7.11 also


1 minute ago, Stuart Silvester said:

Your customised theme is out of date, you'll need to check any modified templates for changes (as the upgrader asks you to).

so i need to create clean and recustomize it again like always. 

16 minutes ago, wegorz23 said:

i commented and site came back 

 if (!allowOptional && ips.getSetting('essential_cookies').indexOf(cookieKey) === -1) { return; }


if (!allowOptional && ips.getSetting('essential_cookies') != undefined && ips.getSetting('essential_cookies').indexOf(cookieKey) === -1) { return; }

can u give me some advice to match where i need to search for fix that problem ? 

is 'essential_cookies' do something more like nothing ?


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2 minutes ago, Stuart Silvester said:

No, you can use the built-in tools to identify differences between your customised templates and the default


sorry but it rly useles for me on every update i just check https://invisioncommunity.com/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=plugins&do=diff and do some update in code.


In ACP that show me like nothing (whats the differents ?)

Could contain: Text

Can someone describe me which file is the problem or what part of theme ?


If i commented that script and it came back what is 'essential_cookies' stands for ?

It happened only on guest visiting site. If some user is logged in it just work fine.


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Just now, Marc Stridgen said:

Spacing looks to be the difference between them. While I understand it will do the same thing, that looks to be what its picking up

its like 90% of the code. 🙂  But ok i understand what it is for and its ok and good mechanism.

But still dont know where i need to search for and try to fix. 

Write new custom theme for me its like 3 days * 4 themes on different layout.  = minimum 10 days. Why ? i need check every file in theme for changes and on different layout i have. 😞 


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  • Solution

If someone want to fix that problem on indexOf ( ips.getSetting("essential_cookies").indexOf()

Could contain: Text, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, City


just add in includeJS

essential_cookies: {expression="json_encode( \IPS\Request::getEssentialCookies())" raw="true"},


Topic to close..


2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Czy możesz wyjaśnić, czy odnosisz się do oryginalnego problemu z lightboxem, czy do porównania?

it is for rewrite my themes to fix the problem. That i just ask for. I rly know that custom themes always have some problems but not this time.  Solution for me is up...

3 hours ago, wegorz23 said:

skomentowałem i strona wróciła 

 if (! allowOptional && ips . getSetting ( 'essential_cookies' ). indexOf ( cookieKey ) === -1 ) { return ; }


if (! allowOptional && ips . getSetting ( ' essential_cookies' ) != undefined && ips.getSetting ( 'essential_cookies' ). indexOf ( cookieKey ) === -1 ) { return ; }

it getting rewrite every clear cache or every changes in themes so the solution is to add that cookie to system.


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