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PHP timeout every 3 hours

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Every 3 hours, I can see in my PHP logs:


NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 240 seconds exceeded in /home/web/system/Text/Parser.php on line 1151

Has anyone ever encountered this problem, and knows where it might be coming from?
Its regularity (every 3 hours) makes me think of a task that cannot be completed.

Thanks a lot! 🙏🏻

Edited by LaCollision
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Hi Marc,

Thanks for your reply!

By analyzing the Apache logs, I found that the problem comes from SendGrid calls:

"POST /applications/core/interface/incomingemail/sendgrid.php HTTP/1.1" 500 4540 "-" "Sendlib/1.0"


In \Email\Incoming\Email, there is indeed at line #523:

$body = $parser->parse( $body );


We can see this parse() method calls the \Text\Parser->_parseContent() method… which is exactly where I have the issue of a PHP Fatal error (maximum execution time of 240 seconds exceeded):

if ( $img->hasAttribute( 'data-ipsEmoticon-plain' ) )


So, there might be an issue with the method analyzing SendGrid calls.

But now… it's beyond my capabilities! 😅

It would be interesting for the Invision development team to take a look at this issue.

Thanks again,

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