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Hello, I have never gotten bulk email to work for my community. Maybe like a year ago I tried it and it would spam my members with unlimited emails. But now when I try it, it does nothing. It says sent to 0 members. I just deleted a bulk email I created over a month ago and It has been sitting to start. I am on invision in the cloud.


My first recommendation is upgrading to the latest release. You are currently 2 behind so if you're encountering issues, that is the best first action. The next is, if you have an email filter we can test sending to, we can certainly look at if there is an issue.

7 hours ago, Jim M said:

My first recommendation is upgrading to the latest release. You are currently 2 behind so if you're encountering issues, that is the best first action. The next is, if you have an email filter we can test sending to, we can certainly look at if there is an issue.

Yes, I was told this by email support. Before these 2 updates were pushed is when I originally sent out the email campaign i tried to send out. At the time I was up to date, and I double checked email filters. I'm not big on updating because literally every single time I update something breaks on my end and I have to wait for support, which I'm not saying its your guys fault either, a plugin usually ends up being the culprit. The more I update the more plugins I lose in the process and this is like always the case. I'm sure you can see how much ive spent on all these plugins that I cannot use anymore until author updates. Is there no solution to use Bulk Email besides updating?  I'd like to only do an update if there is someone available to fix my site from breaking 😄


While I understand what you're saying there, I'm afraid, you would need to be working with your plugin authors if you are worried about minor upgrades causing issues. The alternative, is simplifying your community as much as possible to the core so you do not have issues upgrading.

Upgrading to the latest release when you're having an issue is required for us to provide support on that issue. Otherwise, we may be chasing our tail when a piece of the puzzle may be round in that release but square in another, so-to-speak.

Posted (edited)

Ah, I understand. I will go for the upgrade and report back if bulk email is giving me any success.

Edit: It seems one of my admins have already went through with the upgrade actually. Going to try to send out email.

Edited by WiCKeDxgg
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