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[Bug] - downloads grid view 4.7.8 - Not indicating hidden files as such

Go to solution Solved by Stuart Silvester,

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When viewing as an admin in LIST view, files that are currently not approved or hidden are indicated as such.
I blocked out the actual content but here is an Example:

Could contain: Chart, Plot


Here is how the same 3 files look in the new downloads GRID view. Notice there is no indication that the $2.50 clip is actually not approved and is indeed hidden. It should be highlighting the clip in light pink and having the icon indicator to show it's hidden. Mousing over the hidden icon is helpful as the tool tip shows the reason why it's hidden. But as you can see that is not here.

Could contain: Food, Ketchup, Chart, Plot


 If someone on 4.7.9 could confirm that the bug still exists that would be great.

Thank you 🙂

Edited by SJ77
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1 minute ago, Stuart Silvester said:

I can confirm this was addressed in 4.7.9

- Added status badges (pinned, hidden, etc) to the grid view.


HI Stuart

I appreciate you clearing that up. Not sure how I missed that. But really glad this has been resolved.

Thank you 🙂

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