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Have custom member titles based on rank been removed?

Go to solution Solved by Luuuk,

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On my forum we used the feature where when you reached max rank you could use a custom title that displayed next to your name/avatar.  I've just upgraded from 4.5 to 4.6 and these have all vanished and I can't see a way of enabling them. This feature hasn't been removed has it? I had a scan of the 4.6 release notes but can't see any mention of it. I can see that you can add a member title in the profile but that's an all or nothing setting rather than being enabled on rank.

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9 minutes ago, AutoItScript said:

Not sure why searching for custom member title didn't find me that post myself 😕

I had the same problem with a couple of topics. I knew the topics are there but obvious keywords returned zero results. So I found the topics via Google (site:Invision)...

That is because after they re-organised forums (merging some together / moving data) I could no tell where the topics could be moved and probably I was searching in a wrong area. Note that now the Search bar defaults to "This forum" instead of "Everywhere" if you are not on the main page.

Edited by Luuuk
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I edited my previous post to explain why potentially you could not find the topics. As for the new Search bar defaults, in the context of your forum you might be interested in this:

[Scroll down to my post with a link to a plugin]

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17 hours ago, AutoItScript said:

Sigh.  Thanks for the support.  So it's an all or nothing thing now

Well, not necessarily if you are willing to use a third party plugin:

Basically, if your max ranks corresponds with a particular user-group. You can set the "Member Title" field to be edited only by people in that particular group which is what I do on my site. You'll need to follow the guide on how to restore members titles posted a few posts above first. And then implement this plugin I link here.

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Thanks for the suggestion, much appreciated 🙂

But, no. I've been with invision since v1.0 and I'm at the point where I won't run any plugins/apps unless I wrote them myself. I just don't have the time to maintain customisations.

I've been away for a year and now, and on return I'm having to contend with getting my site from 4.5.x to 4.7.x and in that time PHP 8 has gone from IPS support "We do not support PHP 8" to "PHP 8 is required". Exhausting. So yeah, zero plugins from here out!

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13 hours ago, AutoItScript said:

I've been away for a year and now, and on return I'm having to contend with getting my site from 4.5.x to 4.7.x and in that time PHP 8 has gone from IPS support "We do not support PHP 8" to "PHP 8 is required". Exhausting. So yeah, zero plugins from here out!

A year is a long time in IT 😄 

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