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Custom themes act differently on Pages

Go to solution Solved by Afrodude,

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First of all, I have spent weeks and many hours trying to fix this issue. I cannot give more information because the images will show information that I don't want to share on a public forum, so may you please guys move it into ticket in order to add more information and details. Thank you!!

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The issue I am facing is with section title in Pages. On the live site the issue is fixable by editing the theme templates, but what makes it an issue is that the theme gets a monthly update. Then I will have to do the modification again in order to fix the issue again and over again. 

I have included a link to gallery contain 3 images, and another link as an example. 

  • First image is IPS theme. 
  • Second image how the custom theme should look like.
  • Third image shows how the custom theme section title act like widget container instead of section title.

I have done a lot of work from comparing the Pages CMS tables in the database etc.., but I couldn't find anything. 

The issue is completely got solved only by removing Pages app and reinstall it, yet it's impossible to do that because there is no way to back-up the records. The custom themes will look just like on image #2 on the live site without any extra work, but again cannot lose all the records.

I believe there's something happen on my first installation Pages app after I added it to my license that makes it act like this on the live site, so what you guys recommend doing in order to get it fixed without removing and reinstall the app. 

Edited by Afrodude
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You are mentioning custom themes here, but have you modified any Pages templates? If you modified Pages templates and switched to an unmodified version of those templates are you seeing the same issue?

Just wondering if uninstalling Pages really just removed a template you forgot about modifying which created this issue.

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The category and listening templates aren't modified and both of them have never been modified. The only modified is display template which it has nothing to do with the issue above with categories section title.

Could contain: Page, Text

As I mention @Jim M the issue is solved by removing the app only and it has nothing to do with templates because on my dev site, I am using same templates on the live site.

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14 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Just wondering if uninstalling Pages really just removed a template you forgot about modifying which created this issue.

I did also have tried to create new category and listening templates, yet the results are the same. Also, uninstalling Pages removes everything even the CMS tables from the database. This is why I even tried to compare both databases CMS tables to see if there are any differences between current tables and after uninstalling and reinstalling Pages app.

Edited by Afrodude
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ipsWidget ipsWidget_horizontal ipsBox is getting pumped into these line it seems when it does not do this on my test install when adding a database via a block like you have done. Could you please try creating new, unmodified templates for Pages and then add these to your database so we can review?

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3 hours ago, Jim M said:

ipsWidget ipsWidget_horizontal ipsBox is getting pumped into these line


3 hours ago, Jim M said:

Could you please try creating new, unmodified templates for Pages

Sure, if they are modified, but what I am using has never been modified. I mentioned that in my reply above.

I also mentioned that I tried to create new ones even though the templates aren't modified, but the results were the same.

I have been having this issue since I installed Pages on October 1, 2020. I didn't pay attention to this issue otherwise I would have uninstalled and reinstalled Pages back before I have many records that can't be backup and restored. 

I have tried everything for months. I copied the database to my dev site and did the uninstalling and reinstalling Pages to find out that the only option corrected the issue.

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