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getting category id in database records

Go to solution Solved by Nathan Explosion,

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I have database articles with categories.

I created a block that needs to be obtain the current category id for a given database record being displayed.

I tried this and number of other things but still unable to get the category id. 


Does anyone know how to do it? Thanks.


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6 minutes ago, virap1 said:

in pages

Where exactly are you adding this in pages? You've given no information about what template you are editing so I'm assuming that it is the record display template in the Pages templates that you are editing, as you mentioned:


1 hour ago, virap1 said:

a given database record

Give more information than you are currently providing...help people help you. Describe what you are doing more...

1 hour ago, virap1 said:

created a block

What is the full code of the block? Where is the block placed in Pages? etc.


Edited by Nathan Explosion
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Sound, thank you but I am not sure I understood. 

49 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:


What is the full code of the block? Where is the block placed in Pages? etc.


@Nathan Explosion Here is the full code where cat_id should be the current article (database record) category id

{{if request.app == 'cms' }}



Edited by virap1
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Nathan Explosion was awarded the badge 'Helpful' and 5 points.

OK - assumptions made:

  1. You are creating a custom manual HTML block that contains that code
  2. You are placing that block in the sidebar when viewing a record
{{if request.app == 'cms' }}
	{{$databaseId = \IPS\cms\Databases\Dispatcher::i()->databaseId;}}
	{{$class = "\IPS\cms\Records".$databaseId;}}
	{{$record = $class::load(\IPS\Request::i()->id);}}
	{{$categoryId = $record->container()->id;}}

If that doesn't work (and there is probably a better way of doing it, this was a quick throw-togehter) then I've got no idea where you are putting it.

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