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Elseif problem

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I've been trying for some time to implement the following and unfortunately just do not get on. There is simply a lack of skills 😉

{{if !isset( \IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['og:image'] )}}
    {{$shareLogos = \IPS\Settings::i()->icons_sharer_logo ? json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->icons_sharer_logo, true ) : array();}}
    {{foreach $shareLogos as $logo}}
        <meta property="og:image" content="{file="$logo" extension="core_Icons" scheme="full"}">


elseif - it's a forum post, 

then it is <meta property="og:image" content="https://www.domain.tld/img/<<TOPICID>>.jpg" />


<meta property="og:image" content="https://www.domain.tld/standardimage.jpg" />

would be cool if someone here ne line for me 🙂
Thanks a lot!

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Hi, thanks for your reply. the code should make a difference 
if the og:image is set > output (works)
elseif it is a forum post > output should be this including the postID
<meta property="og:image" content="https://www.domain.tld/img/<<TOPICID>>.jpg" />
== /MISSING ==
else og:image is standard (works)

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I think this is what you are asking for...

{{if !isset( \IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['og:image'] )}}
    {{$shareLogos = \IPS\Settings::i()->icons_sharer_logo ? json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->icons_sharer_logo, true ) : array();}}
    {{if request.app ==='forums' AND request.controller==='topic'}}
        <meta property="og:image" content="https://www.domain.tld/img/{expression='request.id'}.jpg" />
	{{foreach $shareLogos as $logo}}
		<meta property="og:image" content="{file="$logo" extension="core_Icons" scheme="full"}">


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This would be the code but I'm not sure what you mean with postID. There's no separate page with a post, only topics, so I assumed you mean the topic id which I used in my code.

{{if !isset( \IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['og:image'] )}}
	{{$shareLogos = \IPS\Settings::i()->icons_sharer_logo ? json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->icons_sharer_logo, true ) : array();}}
	{{foreach $shareLogos as $logo}}
		<meta property="og:image" content="{file="$logo" extension="core_Icons" scheme="full"}">
{{elseif \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' AND    \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'topic'}}
{{$id  = \IPS\Request::i()->id;}}
<meta property='og:image' content='https://www.domain.tld/img/{$id}.jpg'/>
<meta property='og:image' content='https://www.domain.tld/standardimage.jpg'/>


That said, I'm also not sure if it will work at all, the condition looks weird and will probably always return the first part for topics.



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14 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

I think this is what you are asking for...

{{if !isset( \IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['og:image'] )}}
    {{$shareLogos = \IPS\Settings::i()->icons_sharer_logo ? json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->icons_sharer_logo, true ) : array();}}
    {{if request.app ==='forums' AND request.controller==='topic'}}
        <meta property="og:image" content="https://www.domain.tld/img/{expression='request.id'}.jpg" />
	{{foreach $shareLogos as $logo}}
		<meta property="og:image" content="{file="$logo" extension="core_Icons" scheme="full"}">


Thanks so much - nearly perfect. There is only one thing missing - if neigher the og: image is set, nor its a forum topic the std-image should be postet

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