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Alerts disappear when they expire

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Looking at your release, I do see that you're not on the latest. I also see that there has been an alert deleted by a moderator in the log. As I am unable to reproduce this on the latest release, I would advise upgrading then please let us know how it goes from there.

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I know what you mean, but this is old.

Today (02/23) there was an expiration alert and it disappeared from the list.

Many also become inactive before their expiration date and disappear after that date (the expiration date). 

However we will do soon and recheck.


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  • 1 month later...

hm yes I just discovered the same thing. 

I would like to be able to keep the viewed x times count, so that I can show it also to potential advertisers because it looks like a really nice way to promote things, in a different personal/native way. 

I used it to promote a new article and would like to be able to monitor how this count develops.

Right now if you want to keep them: I guess you need to put an unlimited expire date, and you need to set an external reminder for when to change it manually to inactive, when you want the alert to stop (but you loose the capability for the automation of the expiry date implementing on its own). 

I think it would be useful to be able to keep them without going through this procedure. Especially because you might want to replicate the alert for another member maybe, and by not loosing them, you can keep a record of the different Alerts. 

Ok, you could actually make some default ones that you will copy that from, so it means that you would just have a list of alerts with indefinite expire date, 

but still, you wont be able to keep a record of the view count of the ones you have already run, without it being a bit of a hassle? Just some thoughts, I am just discovering the feature and listened to the webinar https://invisioncommunity.com/gallery/image/20-alerts-system/.



Edited by MeMaBlue
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