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Upgrading site issue


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I'm trying to upgrade my site. I'm currently on PHP 7.4.33. When I go into my cpanel MultiPHP Manager to change the PHP to 8.0 from 7.4 I loose all function of my site as well as the Admin ACP to continue with the site upgrade.


How do I do this?

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The newest versions of IPB don't support PHP 7 at all.  This means you need to do a manual upgrade.  

  1. Disable all 3rd party applications & plugins.
  2. Switch to a default non-customized IPS theme.
  3. Switch your server to PHP 8.
  4. Use the compatibility checker script to confirm you have all of the required PHP modules installed in your PHP8.   
  5. Manually upload the files of the new version from your client area to your server.
  6. Visit yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade and follow the prompts to do the upgrade.
  7. Check if any 3rd party modifications require an update (there's a button to manually check in the applications page). After you apply the updates you can safely re-enable those modifications.
  8. Go to your Support Page in ACP and fix any remaining issues listed on the page.
  9. If you still have disabled applications and/or plugins after the above steps, re-enable them 1 by 1 to make sure they are compatible with PHP 8.
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Thanks Randy,

So I did all that and ran the scrip and I got these errors and so I reached out to my host

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage


They replied with 


Thanks for reaching out to Support today!
I wanted to follow up with you in regards to our phone conversation from earlier about the issues you had updating software on www.xxxxx.com 

Upon reviewing the server configuration, it does appear that the 4 PHP extensions (cURL, GD, Multibyte String, and MySQLi) are showing as installed and active for PHP 8.0. In situations where certain PHP extensions are enabled but the software is reporting it as uninstalled, it's usually the result of an issue within a php.ini, user.ini or .htaccess file. We would recommend reaching out to the software developers and providing them with the list of reported missing extensions for further guidance on what type of configuration is needed in order for the software to recognize the extensions.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach back out to us as we are available 24/7 for continued support.

Any Idea on what I can do?



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Check with a phpinfo file when running PHP8 to confirm if they’re installed.  However I’m willing to bet you’re going to have problems after your move to PHP8.  In the lion share of cases where someone comes back here posting their site is not working… it ends up being their host screwed up the requirements on the move to PHP8.   

If it does not work after the move to PHP8, IPB won’t be able to help until the required modules are working AND responding. 

Edited by Randy Calvert
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Looking in your System Log, this is an error with your database table as you have a custom column which does not have a default value.

IPS\Db\Exception: Field 'fav_games' in ibf_core_members doesn't have a default value (1364)

If you are no longer using that third party add-on which uses this field, you can delete it. Otherwise, you will want to have your hosting provider disable safe mode on MySQL or add a default value.

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Can I access the area that has that field to delete myself?  DO I use a ftp program?  If so how do I get there?


Also, just noticed when testing my shopping cart, I cannot checkout to make a physical purchase of a product it says 


There are no shipping rates set up which can be used for this order. This may happen, if for example, all your shipping rates are limited to particular countries, and the customer's shipping address is not in one of these countries. The availability of shipping rates can also be affected by the order's subtotal or the weight or quantity of items to be shipped. Go to Admin CP > Commerce > Shipments > Shipping Rates to configure the available shipping rates.

When I go to the setting of the individual products it still has Easy Post selected as the shipping method.  Do I need to change something now after I upgraded for this?



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1 hour ago, ToeJam said:

Can I access the area that has that field to delete myself?  DO I use a ftp program?  If so how do I get there?

Please contact your hosting provider for assistance in accessing your database. If you are not sure how to do this, I would recommend asking your hosting provider to perform this for. If you do make any changes/removals, please take a backup prior to doing so.

1 hour ago, ToeJam said:

Also, just noticed when testing my shopping cart, I cannot checkout to make a physical purchase of a product it says 


There are no shipping rates set up which can be used for this order. This may happen, if for example, all your shipping rates are limited to particular countries, and the customer's shipping address is not in one of these countries. The availability of shipping rates can also be affected by the order's subtotal or the weight or quantity of items to be shipped. Go to Admin CP > Commerce > Shipments > Shipping Rates to configure the available shipping rates.

When I go to the setting of the individual products it still has Easy Post selected as the shipping method.  Do I need to change something now after I upgraded for this?

Is EasyPost setup? You would need to ensure that integration is working correctly to select it. If you are not allowing shipping to a country you're in then you also need to check that.

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8 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Please contact your hosting provider for assistance in accessing your database. If you are not sure how to do this, I would recommend asking your hosting provider to perform this for. If you do make any changes/removals, please take a backup prior to doing so.

Is EasyPost setup? You would need to ensure that integration is working correctly to select it. If you are not allowing shipping to a country you're in then you also need to check that.

Okay I'll have my host do this.

I'm going to need a refresher as it's been some time.  I see Easy post configured and with key, individual products point to easy post for shipping.  What am I missing?


Thanks - Erik

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12 minutes ago, ToeJam said:

I'm going to need a refresher as it's been some time.  I see Easy post configured and with key, individual products point to easy post for shipping.  What am I missing?

Is your account still active with EasyPost? What do you have set for Allow Customer to Choose Rate?

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47 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Sorry, looks like you may have missed this question:

What do you have set for Allow Customer to Choose Rate?

Okay so weird.  I have the shipping part fixed.  The account I was using to test the shipping, I decided to erase the shipping address and use another one and it works fine now, then tested on another account and it works fine.  



On the new membership registration error I contacted my hosting company and I got this reply back


Thank you for contacting Technical Support, my name is Jamie and I will be happy to assist you today!
The field in the database thesig5_invision for table ibf_core_members, column 'ip_address', did not have a default value set. With the default value being set to NULL, the error code comes back as "Error code: 2S129/1" with the error message "You are not permitted to register a user account with this site."
If you need further assistance, keep in mind that we are available 24/7 via phone, chat, or email. You may receive an email requesting feedback on this interaction and I hope you have a great rest of the day!

So it looks like fixing one error brought on another?


Thanks - Erik

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9 minutes ago, ToeJam said:

Error code: 2S129/1

This would be too many registration attempts and Spam Defense is preventing a false positive. You will want to temporarily disable this in ACP -> Members -> Spam Prevention -> Spam Defense, if you are testing a lot or Whitelist your IP addresses that you want to test with.

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12 minutes ago, ToeJam said:

I disabled Spam Defense now that original error code is coming back


There likely may be more columns. You will need to keep checking the System Log and working with your hosting provider till this is resolved.

Alternatively, you will need to have them disable safe mode in mysql. 

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Okay so they were able do that and registration is working, now I have an issue with spam prevention toggled off I'm hitting hit with spam registers 

Could contain: Page, Text


So when I turn spam prevention enable I'm getting that error again


Could contain: Page, Text, Sticker, File


is this something I can do on the ACP end or more I need my hosting to do on the tables somewhere?



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5 minutes ago, ToeJam said:

So when I turn spam prevention enable I'm getting that error again


Could contain: Page, Text, Sticker, File


Due to your testing, you are still getting flagged by our Spam Defense system. You can use the whitelist system to whitelist yourself if you want to continue to test.

This would not impact your users as it is based on your data.

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