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"Recent posts" outside of Invision?

Carole Asselin

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When I used bbpress, since it was a WP plugin, I was able to have a list of recent posts/topics on pages other than the forum itself. I was using it on the blog page, like HERE for example.

Is there a way to display recent posts in my Invision forum OUTSIDE of the Invision platform? I do use SSO to integrate with my WP installation if that makes a difference.

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You could create a rss feed from your IPS stream and use a WordPress plug-in to show the content inside your blog https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-display-any-rss-feed-on-your-wordpress-blog/#Displaying-any-RSS-Feed-With-a-Widget


Or if you’re also having the pages app, you could create a block and embed it inside your blog

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8 minutes ago, Carole Asselin said:

Is it poossible that I don't have it? I only installed the Forum and Gallery.

In that case...

27 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

You could create a rss feed from your IPS stream and use a WordPress plug-in to show the content inside your blog https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-display-any-rss-feed-on-your-wordpress-blog/#Displaying-any-RSS-Feed-With-a-Widget


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14 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

You could create a rss feed from your IPS stream and use a WordPress plug-in to show the content inside your blog https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-display-any-rss-feed-on-your-wordpress-blog/#Displaying-any-RSS-Feed-With-a-Widget

I'll have to dig a big more (unless you have more specific guidance) because I am using Elementor so that area is not controled by WP itself directly like in the article. Although I see that I can use /feed/ for RSS, I am not sure what is the "exact URL" to enter to display the latest posts from the Invision forum.

Edited by Carole Asselin
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3 hours ago, Daniel F said:

You could create a rss feed from your IPS stream and use a WordPress plug-in to show the content inside your blog https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-display-any-rss-feed-on-your-wordpress-blog/#Displaying-any-RSS-Feed-With-a-Widget

What is the URL for that "block"? I can't find that information.

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19 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

This guide should help you on where to find the url (or on how to create a custom RSS feed too in case):

I think I am almost there. I see that I can set the recent topics, but I don't see a way to display the recent POSTS (similar to what I can see inside the Invision block). Is it possible or am I limited to Topics?

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