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Open files from Pages in tabs instead of downloading


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We've quite many PDFs and other similar files that we use Pages to host and make available for the community. Those files are often updated, so it's important for us the user opens the latest version. Today the standard behaviour is that the file downloads, but how can we make it open "embedded" in a new tab instead?

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Hi, I once had an IPS site with a few thousand pdf magazines too. I used pages with a tab solution. Tab one is a magazine info, tab 2 the cover as jpg and tab 3 the full pdf to read online for registered members.

Could contain: Publication, Person, Woman, Adult, Female, Face, Head, Magazine, Skin, Tattoo

I was using a tool with a couple of options (download, print, etc.), this is the mouseover "player" ...

Could contain: Publication, Tattoo, Person, Skin, Woman, Adult, Female, Face, Head, Magazine

Should be possible with a new tab or popup too, but I wasn't using it with the attachment system, I had a custom field for the magazine ID. Made it easier to upload or move files because you don't have to edit the article itself.

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I was also dealing with this recently. I wasted a lot of time trying to get these full PDF viewers like PDF.JS and similar products working, but it was always buggy, slow and resource intensive. 

In the end, I used the Heyzine service. It has an API, so everything can be automated. I just upload a PDF to a Pages database upload field and it will automatically be turned into a PDF player view in the background. (This is coded into the Pages view templates.) There is a yearly fee, but its totally worth it for me. 

This is how the Pages record view looks like:

Could contain: Text, Newspaper, Page

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