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Blog tags? problem or..?

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Why are the tags in the blogs not in the database?
What I mean:
I make a blog post and attach tags... Then I make another blog entry and the system does not see the tags from the first entry (quick paste/search). I enter the same words (tags) as in the first entry.
Why are the tags I made for articles visible when I start writing a word? but the tags for the blog are not!
Are the tags stored in different places? Tags for articles are stored and can be quickly inserted! The tags I wrote for blog posts can't!
This is very bad for work (usability) and SEO!
tested 4.7.2, 4.7.4, 4.7.5

Edited by LastPlay
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1. Write a tag on your blog that is on your site in any article - the system sees it!
2. Add the tag to the blog post and then write it in the article - the system doesn't see it! (quick search for a tag and paste it). Or write the tag for another blog entry...

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16 minutes ago, Jim M said:

our Blogs application

Add a UNIQUE tag to your blog entry.
This UNIQUE tag is not saved in the database! If you try to add this UNIQUE tag to an article/forum/event, it is not visible for quick insertion. When you type in a word - the choice of tags (already saved) appears - this UNIQUE tag is NOT in the list!)

* It looks like tags for blogs are kept separate from all tags! ( they don't seem to be counted ANYWHERE).
* Any tag for any blog entry - cannot be selected in ANY other entry/article/forum/event! (no quick access to these tags). It's like the system didn't save them at all...
***Blog tags only.


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