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Member Edited trigger in Zapier


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Hi team, I've a doubt. I need to keep updated my user list in ActiveCampaign by Zapier. I only can use the user group changes to segment the active and inactive users. So I can create a Zap to make this, but I see in the "Recent Account user Activity" that the primary group change in every renewal, even when payment is correct. First changes Member -> Old Member and then changes again from Old Member -> Member. Why? The user only renewal with a correct payment!

This situation can generate 2 zaps, the first zap for me is that user not renewal your subcription so I need to eliminate it from some automations and send a good bye mail. Few seconds later, with new zap I to add it to this automations again and send a welcome email. Don't have sense!

When trigger this zap IPS? Both?

Thanks a lot

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12 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Im a little confused as to what you are asking here. The user has indeed been changed on 2 occasions there. It expired, then was renewed, both on the same day

Why if user renewal correctly? This user did not desuscribe and process your payment correctly. With this situation IPS will send 2 zaps unnecesary for every renewal.

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4 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Simply, the item expired. The user then logged in and paid the renewal. There isnt 2 zaps for a renewal there. There was one zap on it expiring, and one on it renewing

This movement is an automatic renewal, the user dont make anything. In fact first is the renewal invoice, then the group changes by IPS internally.

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The issue there is that its taking some time for the payment to go through. So it is indeed expiring before its been paid. Both on the same day. To avoid this, you should generate the invoice earlier (the day before perhaps) or add a grace period of a day, in order to ensure the payment is processed by the card provider before it expires

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I already had a one day grace period added and you can see in the first picture the track sequence.

  1. Renewal: Monthly Plan generated.
  2. Transaction #312 for Invoice #625 taken automatically - approved.
  3. Expiring purchase Monthly Plan changed from Member to Old Member.
  4. Monthly Plan renewed from Invoice #625.
  5. Purchase Monthly Plan changed from Old Member to Member.

Probably all steps in the same minute, only separeted by few seconds. So I don't know how can generate the invoice earlier (the day before perhaps) because I don't will like add more grace period and I doubt if more grace period will solve this problem.

I add more grace period manually for the next renewal user to test it.

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