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Acheivements, Post Counts, Rules, Ranks/Badges Data Issues

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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Unless I'm missing something, it appears that the new Achievements system does not use/apply past data to current evals for members. It seems to start completely over from time of new implementation.

If so, this is very disappointing, because it should be completely avoidable using code and DB functionality. The data are there, so why not use it (or convert the relevant data on upgrade)?

Members with hundreds or thousands of points and posts with correct (new) rules in place are not getting Ranks with respect to past data.

Perhaps a proper recount/rebuild is needed? (though such admin tools are scantly available these days).

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1 hour ago, Jim M said:

You will want to setup your Achievement rules, ranks, etc... then use the rebuild button in ACP -> Members -> Achievements -> Settings. 

Many thanks! ... I missed that rather prominent green button (probably because it's styled like the + Create buttons elsewhere in the ACP).

It worked

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