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ACP System Admin Functions Missing or Misplaced

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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First of: Sorry to daisy-chain so many topics, but I am trying to keep them all distinct in hopes of addressing distinctly and others finding solutions/info more simply. After searching these forums for each of these topics or related, I gave up due to tangential relevance (or possibly terrible topic names and body strings)


It's very strange that the only way to recount/rebuild rep/post counts is via any member page by clicking "Recount for all members" only when recounting for that member. First, it's rare to recount for one member, and so admins just don't click it, since it's n/a to what we want to accomplish (recount/rebuild all data). We finally found it by complete accident and are all of us bewildered. It seems like purposeful obfuscation.

Why make it so tedious and difficult to find? The 3.x software had a much better system admin page with lots of useful tools DB. Why oh why remove these essential features and force us to more likely break the DB by working with it directly?

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If you have any UI, suggestions you're welcome to provide those in our Feature Suggestion forum. In short though, version 4 is radically different and technologically more sound with data than version 3 was so you should not have to do these recount tools or clear tools unless there is a specific need. If you are encountering an issue or have a question, it may be better for us to investigate what is happening here.

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2 hours ago, Jim M said:

If you have any UI, suggestions you're welcome to provide those in our Feature Suggestion forum. In short though, version 4 is radically different and technologically more sound with data than version 3 was so you should not have to do these recount tools or clear tools unless there is a specific need. If you are encountering an issue or have a question, it may be better for us to investigate what is happening here.

Since you pointed me to the rebuild function in this post, some of this is resolved for me. I do have a specific need related to this though. New topic posted for that.

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