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Adding Pages to my Site


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I've recently added the Pages module to my site.   I'm getting this error when I try to navigate to a new Page:


ErrorException: template_store_missing template_cms_bb70a80dbe417943ff25eefac7959b94__ (0)
#0 /app/data/public/community/applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(2269): IPS\cms\_Theme->getTemplate()
#1 /app/data/public/community/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(116): IPS\cms\Pages\_Page->output()
#2 /app/data/public/community/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(43): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->view()
#3 /app/data/public/community/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->manage()
#4 /app/data/public/community/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(33): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#5 /app/data/public/community/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->execute()
#6 /app/data/public/community/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#7 {main}

I've tried clearing cache and regenerating the theme.  Any ideas what this may be?

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You appear to be using a custom Theme as the default front-end Theme, and this may be related.

As a first step, please disable all 3rd-party apps and plugins, then change the front end to use an unedited Theme.

You can create a new unedited Theme on the ACP -> Themes page by clicking the "+Create New" button. Set that as the front-end default.

Then login on the front end and see if the problem continues. If it does not continue, then you'd need to get updates for any 3rd-party apps/plugins/Themes.

But if it still happens, please update the site access details we have on file in the Client Area, as the current ones are not working, and reply here so we can investigate.

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You still have a 3rd-party app active, and that is not an unedited Theme in place on the front end at the moment. It's also an Easy Mode theme, but needs to be a Manual Mode theme.

As mentioned, you'll need to disable all 3rd-party items, and create a new full Theme (Manual Mode, not Easy Mode). Name it as preferred and set it as the default front end Theme, but do not make any other changes.

Once that's done, please try again and let us know if it now works.

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I'm seeing that error, yes, but it appears that the install of Pages may have been incomplete or corrupted. I'm seeing the usual "default" items are either missing or have been edited.

When you installed Pages, did you did follow this Guide carefully?

(Starting in the section titled "Adding a newly purchased Application".)

And this was a new install of Pages, correct? (Not an upgrade of a previous version.)

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Yes, you will need to Uninstall that corrupted copy so that there are no "left-overs" from it that may interfere with its reinstall.

Once that has been done, follow the steps in our guide to add the product:

Download a fresh copy of the software, upload all its files, then perform the minor update that will be required (it's a patch and will not affect existing items) by visiting the upgrade URL directly (your-site.com/admin/upgrade/) and perform the minor update.

Once that is done, login to the ACP, go to the Applications page, and you will see Pages ready to install, on the bottom of the page. Click its icon to install it, and it should complete without error.

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry to revive this older thread, but still haven't been able to get Pages installed.  Finally moved this over to my test site to try and figure this out, as I don't want to break my live site.

  • I did a fresh install of Invision Board (without Pages).
  • Cloned my database over to the test install site
  • Now trying to install Pages, and I still get this error (see screenshot)

This is the link to my test site:  https://test.morningbig.blue/community/

Some other things to note:

  • The table that is mentioned in the screen shot doesn't exist prior to when I install pages.
  • When the installation error occurs, the table does exist in the database with only one row in it with a database key of articles (assuming the install process is trying to install a second row in here with the same key)
  • After I Uninstall Pages (since the installation didn't fully complete), that table is gone.

The install process has to be trying to install something in here twice.


Could contain: Text, Logo, Page

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This is part of the issue and why I moved to getting this working on the test site first.   Ever since I tried installing Pages on my live site and it failed (as per above), I cannot perform any updates. (even after uninstalling Pages)

When I try to upgrade to the latest release, it hangs and I need to restore from a backup to get my site back live and working.

Credentials have been updated in the client area, but if it would make more sense to get this working on the test site, I can add those credentials as well.

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28 minutes ago, MorningBigBlue said:

This is part of the issue and why I moved to getting this working on the test site first.   Ever since I tried installing Pages on my live site and it failed (as per above), I cannot perform any updates. (even after uninstalling Pages)

When I try to upgrade to the latest release, it hangs and I need to restore from a backup to get my site back live and working.

Credentials have been updated in the client area, but if it would make more sense to get this working on the test site, I can add those credentials as well.

Please keep in mind that while you are able to run a test site, things would be limited or no support on test sites. In instances like this, if we started out on your test site, we would need to apply the same effort on your live site thus doubling our efforts, but your visitors would still be impacted by the same downtime as if we started on your live site.

What we can do, to minimize that downtime is at 8am Eastern tomorrow, you can set this up and our team would be able to put this in our queue the second you hit an error.

If you get your access details sorted now, that will also help speed up the time between efforts.

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4 minutes ago, MorningBigBlue said:

Access details are sorted and updated in the client area.

At 8AM Eastern tomorrow, you want me to run the update?

Thank you.

Correct. I have actually created a ticket now for you so you can just reply to that ticket once your community is in a broken state tomorrow at 8am ET with the upgrade and our team will take care of it from there. Look forward to assisting you.

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