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COPPA age entry on phone is a nightmare [bug]


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I just tried entering my birthdate on our development server using my phone.  Most of my community will use his/her/their phone to register.  We have to enable COPPA.  By doing that, the birthdate registration form is unusable. Why?  Because the only way to input your birthdate is to click left arrow and go back one month at a time.  If you were born in 1993, do you really think you will have the patience to click 344 times? 

To the developers, please investigate and treat this as a bug.

Solution 1: dials like Rachio for years, months, and day. That's one idea. 

Solution 2: the banks let you click on a year and select a year first, then month

Solution 3: just enable type in of month/day/year and please ... allow for non US folk, day/month/year entry!


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@Marc Stridgen For the phone registration, it would be easier if the mm/dd/yyyy showed and could be typed in directly so that is a suggestion.  Also, in terms of UX, the position of the year in the upper left corner did not immediately make it apparent.  I would suggest coding the year a slightly different color and centering it in the box so that it is more apparent.

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8 minutes ago, TracyIsland said:

@Marc Stridgen For the phone registration, it would be easier if the mm/dd/yyyy showed and could be typed in directly so that is a suggestion.  Also, in terms of UX, the position of the year in the upper left corner did not immediately make it apparent.  I would suggest coding the year a slightly different color and centering it in the box so that it is more apparent.

Sorry, believe there is a little confusion. The date picker there is from your OS/browser, not us. I'm afraid, we do not have control over what that date picker looks like or functions. Essentially, we just tell the browser this is a date input field and it handles the rest. This is widely used throughout the web and the best choice for mobile/desktop users as it is modeled from your device's OS or your browser choice.

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okay, it still is strange that the mm/dd/yyyy does not appear.  That seems like a coding feature.

Here are the screen shots from my Samsung Z Flip 3. 

In the vertical position, you see first this and then when you touch, you get the month calendar display. 

If I twist the display to the horizontal position, then you see this and then when you touch, you get this more user friendly display.  So I totally get what you are saying about the OS but I stand firm that there is a coding error for the default display of mm/dd/yyyy in the empty field. That doesn't seem OS/browser related. You guys create a field button and put instructions on what should display by default and then code it for the date picker.  Whomever coded this for mobile application omitted the mm/dd/yyyy

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