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Newsletter Signup - How to set it up?


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I'm sure I'm missing something - and hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

I have moved the Newsletter SignUp block to my sidebar. It says something like it will not be visible until I set it up. I have added text to the "reply box," but apparently I need to set something else up somewhere.

Please Help.

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Thanks - but I am really missing it then. I don't think I have anyone setup as a bulk mail subscriber - might that be it?

Once a month I am to be given a .pdf Newsletter by a site's owner. All I see in the Edit for the "Newsletter Signup" is a "text reply" box. I don't see any settings for having it sent to Users on a schedule. 

Is there a place to upload the .pdfs and then have it sent to the Subscribers when done so?

I don't see it as a Guest either.


Edited by PalmTalk
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Ok - thanks for quick reply. 

I thought there was some feature that would manage my Newsletters if I just uploaded them. 

Keep and display the old ones, and then automatically send a new one when uploaded. Something like that.

I guess I was dreaming. 😀

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6 hours ago, PalmTalk said:

Ok - thanks for quick reply. 

I thought there was some feature that would manage my Newsletters if I just uploaded them. 

Keep and display the old ones, and then automatically send a new one when uploaded. Something like that.

I guess I was dreaming. 😀

You cannot upload them. You would type them within Members->Bulk mail.

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